The Journal of Aging and Social Change is an international journal for aging research. It features articles on the dynamic interplay between aging and society, exploring advances in social and behavioral science on aging, life course, and social change, involving (but not limited to) gerontology, sociology, demography, psychology, economics, communication science, education, epidemiology, public health, biology, nursing, and medicine. The Journal of Aging and Social Change is devoted to multi and
interdisciplinary research that centers around social and behavioral science, as well as to disciplinary approaches that are compatible and advantageous beyond merely discipline-specific discourses.
Articles published in The Journal of Aging and Social Change focus on theoretical, conceptual, and/or methodological advances in the field; on the growth of empirical knowledge about age and aging in an increasingly diverse and changing global society; as well as on the impact and relevance of knowledge about aging for policies and the global society.
Founded: 2018 (Volume 8)
ISSN: 2576-5310 (Print)
ISSN: 2576-5329 (Online)
LCCN Permalink:
Frequency: Biannual
Language: English
Editor: Andreas Motel-Klingebiel, Department for Social and Welfare Studies, Linköping University, Sweden
Indexing: Psychology (Cabell's)Sociology (Cabell's) // SocINDEX (EBSCO) // SocINDEX with Full Text
(EBSCO) // Sociology Source International (EBSCO)// The Australian Research Council (ARC)
Founded in 2011, the Aging & Social Change Research Network is a forum for discussion of challenges and opportunities for a rapidly growing segment of the population worldwide. The process of aging is a concern for individuals, families, communities, and nations. The social context of aging provides a rich background for community dialogue on this, one of the critical questions of our time. We aim to traverse a
broad terrain, sometimes technically and other times socially oriented, sometimes theoretical and other times practical in their perspective, and sometimes reflecting dispassionate analysis while at other times suggesting interested strategies for action. Our aim is to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across disciplinary, geographic, and cultural boundaries. As a Research Network, we are
defined by our scope and concerns and motivated to build strategies for action framed by our shared themes and tensions.
We also offer related thematic events in our other Research Networks that you might be able to attend in-person. This way we build for our Research Network Members flexible, and at the same time resilient, spaces for communication, engagement, and participation.
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