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Thursday, June 27, 2024

The 4th International Conference on Media Science and Digital Communication 2024

MSDC Conference 2024

"We are in action: Digital Empowerment for Sustainable Development"

28th - 29th October 2024 | Bali, Indonesia

Hosting Partner:
The International Network of Media and Communication (INMC)

Co-Hosting Partner
School of Communication, Xiamen University Malaysia

Academic Partners:

Durban University of Technology, South Africa
Department of Communication Science, University of Zululand, South Africa
Greenwich University, Vietnam
KOCAF (K - Content Academy Forum), South Korea
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Davao Oriental State University, Philippines
Philippines Communication Society
Department of Culture Content College of Languages and Cultures, Hanyang University ERICA, South Korea
Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology, Malaysia
Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Brawijaya, Indonesia
School of Business and Management, Institute Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Join us in Bali, Indonesia on October 28th - 29th, 2024, for the 4th International Conference on Media Science and Digital Communication. Experience the future of media and communication through a hybrid platform, engaging with global experts, industry professionals, and technology enthusiasts. Dive into dynamic discussions, interact with thought leaders, and contribute to innovative solutions for the challenges in media science and digital communication. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of the revolution.

It aims to showcase innovative solutions leveraging digital media for sustainable development initiatives while fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among experts and stakeholders. Through initiatives aimed at empowering communities, particularly marginalized groups, the conference emphasizes digital media literacy and access to information as tools for empowerment.

Conference Tracks:
Media in Knowledge Management and Education
Media literacies, media business, and politics
Critical and cultural studies
Digital culture and communication
Social media and communication technology

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Conference Co-Chairs

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wang Changsong
School of Communication
Xiamen University

Prof. Kenneth Kim
Department of Culture Contents
Hanyang University
Republic of Korea

Keynote Speaker

Dr. John V. Pavlik
Professor of journalism and media studies at the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers
The State University of New Jersey
Plenary Speakers

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahadzadeh Ashrafsadat
School of Communication
Xiamen University Malaysia

Dr. Siti Nor Amalina Ahmad Tajuddin
Deputy Director 2
International and Mobility Center
Department of Communication and Media
Faculty of Languages and Communication
Sultan Idris Education University

MSDC Conference 2024 provides you with the following FREE Publication Opportunities

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publication

Digital Journalism
- Online ISSN: 2167-082X
- Editor in chief: Oscar Westlund, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway and University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Abstracted/ Indexed in Journal Citation Reports; SCOPUS; and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)

Communication Review - Special Issue

- Online ISSN: 1547-7487
- Editor in chief: Andrea L. Press and Bruce Williams
- Abstracted/ Indexed in ESCI, Web of Science, EBSCOhost, Scopus, ProQuest online research databases.

Media Asia - Special Issue

- Online ISSN: 0390-6701
- Editor in chief: Marcella Corsi – Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Statistics
- Abstracted/ Indexed in indexed in CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts; Emerging Sources Citation Index; the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), International Political Science Abstracts, RILM - Abstracts of Music and Literature; SCOPUS; Social Services Abstracts and Sociological Abstracts.

Mass Communication and Society
- Online ISSN: 1532-7825
- Editor in chief: Mike Schmierbach Pennsylvania State University, USA
- Abstracted/ Indexed in Current Contents, Web of Science, EBSCOhost, Scopus, E-psyche, Book Review Index Plus, Expanded Academic ASAP, General OneFile, Social Sciences Index, OCLC Sociological Abstracts (Online), Ovid PsycINFO, ProQuest online research databases.

*No Submission or Publication Charges for Supporting Journals

Other Publication Opportunities

Conference Proceeding is an option available for you to publish your full paper presented at the conference. "Full papers" submitted for the proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Media Science and Digital Communication 2024 will undergo a double-blind reviewing process. Selected papers will be electronically published in open-access format with the ISSN 2950-6530 in the proceedings, accompanied by a DOI number (DOI prefix: 10.17501).

A breakthrough free TIIKM project to make your research publication possible.
Preliminary reviews for your full paper with the world-class publication "Steering Committee" prior to the conference.

One of the major issues faced by novice researchers/authors in the present is the lack of perspectives to improve writing for academic publications. "PUBLISHelp" is introduced by TIIKM to help authors develop their full papers before the conference. Once the request has been made, a steering committee member will be assigned to provide the author with developmental comments for the improvement of the full paper. Our main goal is to assist our conference participants to keep one step ahead to improve their valuable research papers.

Program Highlights and Opportunities Available in MSDC Conference 2024

- FREE Publication and Free Review Support for Full Paper Publication
- Opportunity to Publish in High Ranked Supporting Journals and Open Access for Proceedings with OJS
- Access to 2-Day Conference Program (All Sessions, Workshops, Panel Discussions)
- Digital Media Etic Forum
- Film Screenings and Documentary Discussions
- Live Social Media Engagement session
- Round Table Discussions
- Publication Workshop

** Since you are a subscriber of Conal Conference Alerts, we would like to offer a 10% discount on the registration fees. Please submit your abstract to claim this offer. Use promo code MSDCC#010 when you submit the paper.

** This great knowledge-sharing platform is also open for non-presenters! Join the interactive audience and REGISTER NOW.

We look forward to your responses and kindly request that you disseminate this email to your colleagues.

Contact us:
International Conference Coordinator - Ms. Dilki Sewmini
The International Institute of Knowledge Management
531/18,Kotte Road | Pita Kotte | Zip Code 10100 | Sri Lanka
Tel: 094 11799 2022
Direct Contact (WhatsApp): +94741523423


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