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Wednesday, May 3, 2023

14th ICEEPSY The International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology


It is our pleasure to invite you to present at the 14th ICEEPSY, The International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology, to be held in Barcelona, Spain from October 17th to 19th, 2023.

We believe your contribution would be a valuable addition to the conference and help make it a success.

To apply, please submit the abstract of your manuscript to the following link: The final abstract submission deadline is June 1st, 2023.

The conference aims to bring together researchers, educators, practitioners, and students from various disciplines to discuss and share their knowledge, experiences, and research findings in education and educational psychology.

We are honored to have some of the most distinguished keynote speakers in their fields join us, including:

- Jan Vermunt, Professor from Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, who will speak on "How Do Teachers Learn to Innovate Their Teaching?"

- Kirsti Lonka, Professor from University of Helsinki, Finland, who will speak on "How Research on Emotion, Motivation and Learning Informs Educational Practices? Latest Research in Educational Psychology."

- Montserrat Castelló, Professor from Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain, who will speak on "Innovations in Educating (Future) Researchers to Develop as Writers."

- Teresa Guasch, Associate Professor from UOC Open University of Catalonia - Barcelona, Spain, who will speak on "What Strategies Engage Students with Feedback to Promote Learning in Online Education?"

We are also delighted to offer a workshop on "How to Foster Healthy Screen Time: Solutions for Teachers and Families," led by Maria Cerrato Lara, PhD, from Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR), Spain.

Apart from the conference sessions, we have arranged various social events where you can interact with fellow participants and enjoy the local culture of Barcelona.

We would like to emphasize that ICEEPSY is a well-established international event, bringing together experts and researchers from around the globe for many years. Please visit the conference event website at for more information.

Furthermore, we would like to inform you that there are opportunities to publish your research in the European Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology (EpICEEPSY) E-ISSN 2672-8141 or in The European Journal of Social and Behavioural Sciences (EJSBS) E-ISSN: 2301-2218

Both EpICEEPSY and EJSBS are published by the United Kingdom-based publisher "European Publisher."

Please note that we are currently awaiting the results of the two-year evaluation process with the Web of Science Core Collection for both journals (EpICEEPSY and EJSBS).

Our publisher following publication guarantees:
- Open access publication of papers in HTML and PDF versions
- Coverage in Google Scholar, British Library Collection
- Manuscripts inclusion in the CLOCKSS archives
- ORCID ID implementation
- DOI name assignment to each manuscript
- CROSSMARK application to every published manuscript
- Copyright and Intellectual property law abidance
- Fast publishing process
- Fairness and lack of bias in the peer-review process
- Friendly and professional close cooperation in the editorial process
- Integrity and freedom of expression in scientific research
- Original manuscript style and format maintenance

Thank you for considering this invitation, and we hope to see you in Barcelona in October.

Best regards,
Organising committee of ICEEPSY 2023

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