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Thursday, September 5, 2019

Workshop and MDP on Data Analytics and Machine Learning - Goa Institute of Management

Dear Researcher,

Greetings from Goa Institute of Management !!!

Goa Institute of Management in its 25 years of operation has decided to incorporate Big Data Analytics program which in its very first year has been ranked among the top ten courses by Analytics Society of India.

We are now offering one Workshop on Data Analytics with R for students and Management Development Program on Data Analytics and Machine Learning with Python for scholars/faculty members/industry professionals in the month of September.

Programme: Data Analytics with R

The objective of this programme is to have hands-on experience with data visualisation and data analysis methods, and develop expertise in 'R' to facilitate data-driven decisions.

Date: November 1-3, 2019

Programme: Data Analytics and Machine Learning with Python

The objective of this programme is to gain hands-on experience with machine learning approaches using Python, and to get an exposure to real-time business applications with advanced learning strategies.

Date: November 7-10, 2019

All the sessions of the Workshop and MDP will include theoretical concepts followed by hands-on mode implementation in the respective software. The Big Data Analytics Lab infrastructure include 64 highly configured systems capable of handling demands of industry requirements.

We hope students/faculty/professionals from your organization will participate to make our endeavor a grand success.

Thanks and Regards,
Dr. Rohan Mukherjee

Assistant Professor

Big Data Analytics

Goa Institute of Management

Contact No: +91 90518 49608

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