14th PARIS International Conference on Marketing, Economics, Education and Interdisciplinary Studies (MEEIS-19-Paris)

14th PARIS International Conference on Marketing, Economics, Education and Interdisciplinary Studies (MEEIS-19-Paris)
November 12-14, 2019
Paris, France

Website Link: http://iceebm.org/conference/216
***SUBMISSION METHODS: By Email: info@heaig.org

Full paper/abstract/poster can be submitted before Sept. 20, 2019 (Early Bird)

***Conference Chair: Prof. Dr. Michel Plaisent, FULL PROFESSOR, University of Quebec, Montereal, CANADA

-Options of Presentation: ORAL/POSTER/Virtual
-Options of Printing (DOI Indexed ISBN Proc.): FULL Paper/Only Abstract/POSTER Paper
-Options of ONLINE: DOI Indexed ISBN Proc./ISSN Journal/SCOPUS Journal
-Option of SCOPUS Journal Publication with added cost

Each Paper will be assigned unique Digital Object Identifier(DOI) from CROSSREF 

***Topics of interest for submission include any topics related:

EDUCATION:- Distance Education - E-learning - Higher Education - Lifelong Learning - Teaching and Learning
BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS:- Advertising - Banking and finance - Business - Business Ethics - E-commerce - Economics - Human Resources - Management - Marketing
INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES:- Children and Youth - Communications and Media - Conflict resolution - Culture - Disaster Management - Film studies - Gender studies - GLBT Studies - Globalization - HIV/AIDS - Human Rights - Identity - Leadership - Memory - Poverty - Public Policy - Sexuality and eroticism - Spirituality - Sport science - Sustainable development - Tourism - Urban studies - Violence
RELATED STUDIES:- African Language - African Literature- African Studies - American Studies - Asian Studies - Built Environment - Development Studies - European Studies - Health Disparity - Human Geography - Human Geography - Income Disparity - International Relations - Labour Economics - Liberal Arts education - Literacy Perspectives - Multiculturalism - Psychology Of Violence - Racial Equality - Racial Issues

Enquiries: info@heaig.org
Sponsored by: International Centre of Excellence in Education, Business and Management


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