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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Call for Papers: Global Business and Social Science Research Conference

Melbourne Conference: FINAL Call For Papers

Global Business and Social Science Research Conference

DATES: 23 – 24 February 2017

VENUE: Rendezvous Hotel, Melbourne, Australia

Deadlines: Submission: 30 January 2017 

and Registration: 10 February, 2017



The Australian Social Sciences and Business Research Institute invites theoretical and empirical papers, working papers and case studies relating to all broad areas of Accounting, Banking, Finance, Economic, Management and Marketing, Business Law, Business Ethics, Business Educations, Applied Econometrics and Statistics and e-business for the above international conference which is affiliated with several international journals which are indexed by ISI, SCOPUS and ranked by the Australian Business Deans Council (website 

Submission and Review Guidelines:

Please submit full papers and/or abstracts by 30 January 2017 (please note you can submit papers anytime before this deadline). Abstract or full papers can be directly sent to the email address: All full papers and/or abstracts will undergo blind peer review process and outcome of the review will be announced within 10 working days after receipt of the paper. The cover page must include the title (Mr.Miss, Dr. etc), affiliation, address, phone and email address of each author and the field of research and/or appropriate JEL classifications. There is an option that the participant can serve as a discussant of a paper of his/her own area of interest and certificate will be issued to such participant. Please see the submission guidelines on the website and Sample Paper for more information relating to how to submit your paper. You are also welcome to volunteer to participate as session chairs, reviewers and members of the program committee. 

Publication Opportunities: Please Select Any Option

Option One: Affiliated International Journals: The following three international journals which are ranked B by the Australian Business Deans Council ( and indexed by SCOPUS are affiliated with this conference: Outstanding papers will be considered independently by the editor of these Journals 
- Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting (ABDC)
- International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management (ABDC)
- IIMB Management Review (ABDC)

Thomson Reuter and Scopus Indexed Journals: 
- Journal of Management Science (indexed by Thomson Reuter)
- Banks and Banking System ( Indexed by Scopus) 
- International Journal of Supply Chain Management (indexed by Scopus) 

If you decide to publish in any one of the above journals, you need to send us your full paper via If the paper is accepted, after blind review, we will inform you and at the same time your paper along with our review report will be sent to the Editor of the respective journal who will decide the suitability of your paper. At the time of your full paper submission, please mention the name of the journal you are interested in.

Option Two: Special Issue of ERA Journals without fee: Quality papers will be considered for publication in 2017 special issue of any of the three Journals such as International Review of Business Research Papers (Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Maggie Liu, University of Winnipeg, Canada), Global Review of Accounting and Finance (Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ming-Chan Chen, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan) and World Journal of Management (Editor-in Chief: Prof. Stuart Orr, Deakin University, Australia) which are all listed by Excellent Research Australia (ERA) , Australian Government and indexed by Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (USA). These journals carry DOI number for every paper from CrossRef of USA. There is no submission fee at all if your paper is considered as outstanding paper. These are print journals which are not predatory or open access journals and are published by Zant World Press of Australia (you can visit Authors of the papers published in the above journals will receive one hard copy of the journal, in addition to online access (which is restricted to only to the author). Indexation of these journals by Scopus is under process.

Option Three: Publication as Proceedings Papers: All accepted papers, except those accepted by the above journals, will be published, as per choice of the author, electronically with ISBN via a dedicated website via which contains papers from previous conferences. However, papers accepted by the above journals can publish only abstract in the proceedings. Before uploading, we do the extensive editorial work on your paper to maintain quality and professional standard and no fee is charged for processing /editorial work. 

Written Feedback, Best Paper Award and Feedings

All registered authors will receive written review report after the conference which will aid them to revise the paper and few conferences provide this service. Best paper award will be announced 2-3 weeks after the conference and a certificate will be issued to the winning author. Certificates for conference attendees and session chairs will be provided at the conference venue. Our conference venue is at Rendezvous Hotel in Melbourne. You will have several feedings such as arrival, morning and afternoon break-foods and buffet lunch. We welcome you to this international gathering of academics and researchers from many countries of the world.

Further Information:

Please visit our website: or contact Nuha Jahan via for any questions.

Program Chair:

Professor Bob Clift, Former Dean, Melbourne University, Australia

International Program Committee Members:

Please see conference website. 

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