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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Fwd: The 2017 ICBTS International Business Tourism and Applied Sciences Research Conference in Madrid

The International Business Tourism and Applied Sciences Research Conference in Madrid

22-24 February 2017

Madrid, Spain

Submission Deadline: December 30, 2016 (Miss a deadline please Contact us via email)


The ICBTS Conference Center, four years ago for organized conference, hosts the International Conference Business Tourism and Applied Sciences to promote all academic research in the field.

Please join us for the 2017 International Conference Business Tourism and Applied Sciences in Madrid. The purpose of the conference is to provide an opportunity for researchers to present their ideas, proposals, or completed research in all areas of education. Since 20 to 30 different countries are typically represented, presenting at this conference is a great way to get feedback from researchers with a different perspective. An extensive list of acceptable topics is available on our website.

In addition to the International Conference Business Tourism and Applied Sciences, we are also hosting an International Conference Social Sciences Humanities and Education which will be held concurrently; one registration covering both.

The Topic of Research focus on:

-International Business
-Tourism Hospitality
-Social Sciences Humanities
-Applied Sciences

Web address:
Sponsored by: The ICBTS 2017

2017 HETL - UWS Scotland Conference on Inclusion in Higher Ed

2017 HETL - UWS Scotland Conference on Inclusion in Higher Education
28th to 30th June 2017
Glasgow, United Kingdom

At the conference, you will have the opportunity to explore new developments in inclusion and diversity in higher education with colleagues from around the world.

Web address:
Proposal deadline: December 31, 2016
Sponsored by: HETL Association

Monday, November 28, 2016

Fifteenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities - Imperial College London

Fifteenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities
Imperial College London, London, UK
5-7 July 2017


The Fifteenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities will be held at Imperial College London, London, UK, 5-7 July 2017. We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, virtual lightning talks, virtual posters, or colloquia addressing one of the following themes:

Theme 1: Critical Cultural Studies
Theme 2: Communications and Linguistics Studies
Theme 3: Literary Humanities
Theme 4: Civic, Political, and Community Studies
Theme 5: Humanities Education

2017 SPECIAL FOCUS: New Directions of the Humanities in a Knowledge Society


The next proposal deadline is 5 December 2016. We welcome the submission of presentation proposals at any time of the year up until 30 days before the start of the conference. All proposals will be reviewed within two to four weeks of submission.


The New Directions in the Humanities Journal Collection consists of six journals and an annual review. The New Directions in the Humanities Journal Collection encourages the widest range of submissions and aims to foster the highest standards of intellectual excellence. Articles may be submitted by in-person and virtual participants as well as Research Network Members.

Journals in the Collection are indexed by:

The Australian Research Council (ERA), Communication Source (EBSCO), Fuente Académica Plus (EBSCO), Genamics Journal Seek, Humanities International Complete (EBSCO), Humanities International Index (EBSCO), Humanities Source (EBSCO), Humanities Source International (EBSCO), Literary Reference Center Plus (EBSCO), Modern Language Association, Political Science Complete (EBSCO), Scopus, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory

For more information and to submit a proposal visit:

Please forward this announcement to your colleagues and students who may be interested.

Web address:
Join us on Facebook:
Sponsored by: The New Directions in the Humanities Research Network / Common Ground Research Networks

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Call for papers @ IFIM Business School

Call for papers and nominations  for Entrepreneurship Conference-Startup Convergence at IFIM Business School

 Center of Excellence (Entrepreneurship Development) ,IFIM Business School is organizing its flagship event called The Startup Convergence and the chosen theme for this year is – "From Innovation to Enterprise: Forging the Road Ahead." . The event is planned for the 24th – 25th of February, 2017. All the stakeholders of entrepreneurial ecosystem-academicians, entrepreneurs, researchers and start-ups will assemble under one roof.  There will be start-up showcase as well as research papers and case study presentations.

Link for call for papers -

Link for call for nominations -

We look forward to your active participation.


Dr. Sangita Dutta Gupta

IFIM Business School

Friday, November 25, 2016

4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON Arabic Studies & Islamic Civilization 2017


The conference focuses on research related to the study of Arabic and Islamic Civilization. It covers all scientific disciplines and issues related to it. The conference brings together scholars, academicians and professionals who are involved directly or indirectly with the discipline of Arabic linguistics and study of Islamic knowledge from all over the world to present their research results.

The objectives of this conference is to establish the Arabic and Islamic knowledge in the eyes of the global community . The conference will also discuss on issues related to the field of Arabic linguistics and Islamic knowledge in theory and practical .

The language medium: We accept articles in Malay , English and Arabic .


Abstract Submission
15th January 2017

Acceptance of Abstract
30th January 2017

Full paper Submission Deadline
15th February 2017

Full paper Acceptance Notification
20th February 2017

Early-bird Fee until
31st December 2016

Conference Dates
27th & 28th March 2017

Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

A selection of the good and quality of ICASIC 2017 proceeding papers will be considered for inclusion for publication in the internationally reviewed ICASIC official e-journal; The 4th Int. Conf. On Arabic Studies & Islamic Civilization.

Web address:
The Conference is organized by
Mobile/WhatsApp: +60136777360 (Redzaudin Ghazali)

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Cities, Communities and Homes: Is the Urban Future Livable?

Cities, Communities and Homes: Is the Urban Future Livable?
22nd to 23rd June 2017
Derby, United Kingdom

Abstracts deadline: 1 March, 2017

This major interdisciplinary conference brings together urban designers, architects, sociologists, human geographers, planners, policy makers.


The event is part of a series organised by an international consortium of universities and publishers including: The University of the West of England, La Universidad de Sevilla, University of Cyprus, Swinburne University Australia, London South Bank University Liverpool and John Moores University, UCL Press and Libri Publishing. It is coordinated by the UK non-profit research organisation AMPS as part of its engagement with the UN Habitat University Initiative. This particular event is organised by the University of Derby.


This event is part of a global series of conferences and publications that critique multiple built environment issues:

Cities: Speakers include urban designer, regional planners, geographers.

Communities: Speakers include community activists, participatory design practices, sociologists studying community and local policy makers.

Homes: Speakers include housing professionals, architects developing affordable housing models, and regional policy makers on housing provision.


There will be a conference proceedings publication with its own ISSN. Delegates will also be considered for inclusion in two book series with UCL Press and Libri Publishing, respectively. A Special Issue of the journal Architecture_MPS is also available.

Web address:
Sponsored by: University of Derby

International Conference on Education and Workforce Development 2017

International Conference on Education and Workforce Development (ICEWD'17)

17-19 January 2017
Higher Colleges of Technology - Abu Dhabi Khalifa City Women's College (Abu Dhabi, UAE)

CONFERENCE THEME: The 21st Century Workplace: Drivers and Challenges in a Global Market


ICEWD'17, co-organized by the Higher Colleges of Technology and 21st Century Academic Forum, is an opportunity to connect with like-minded people to learn about current trends, and to grow as a member of a global community of people committed to preparing citizens for the demands of the 21st century workplace. We will share research and best practices, discuss how students can develop skills and a mindset for success in the workplace and beyond; along with how we as practitioners guide students through this process. The conference program is comprised of keynote speeches, interactive workshops, panel discussions, oral and poster presentations, and opportunities for networking with a broad group of global professionals.


Three keynote speakers from workforce, education and industry sectors will address the intersections between education and the preparation /maintenance of the national workforce.


There will be a full array of presentations throughout the conference. Call for Papers is available at:


There will be panel and round-table discussions on each day of the conference.

Panel One: Teaching and Learning: This panel will focus on educational practices and initiatives in teaching and learning.

Panel Two: The Global Workplace: Participants from business, government, and specialists will discuss transformations in the workplace that require employees to possess global competence skills.

Panel Three: Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Participants from business, government, and specialists will discuss practical ways that formal education can foster more innovation and focus on entrepreneurship.


There will be workshops every day at ICEWD'17 in order to give participants the ability to walk away with new skills.


ORAL PRESENTER: 25 minutes (20 minute presentation, 5 minute Q & A).

POSTER PRESENTER: 3 hours (held on 15 March from a.m. coffee break through lunch).

ABSENTEE PRESENTER: For those unable to join us in person at Harvard, we offer the opportunity to participate as an Absentee Presenter. Absentee Presenters can: (1) upload a narrated presentation to our website and social media sites; (2) publish his/her abstract in the Conference Program Book; and (3) publish his/her paper in the Conference Proceedings.

NON-PRESENTER (LISTENER): Participate in the various presentation sessions.


Consistent with the mission of the Higher Colleges of Technology and the 21st Century Academic Forum, we are calling for the submission of Oral, Poster, and Absentee presentation proposals related to but not limited to the topic tracks headings below. For more

* Education & Workforce Development
* Information Technology
* Innovation & Entrepreneurship


Submission of your abstract proposal (maximum of 3 submissions) should be made in English through our Online Submission System until the final deadline of December 23, 2016.


All papers that meet the Conference Proceedings guidelines will be published in our online Conference Proceedings (ISSN: 2330-1236). The editors of our peer-reviewed Journal of 21st Century Education (ISSN: 2330-1244) select the best papers from the Conference Proceedings to appear in thematic issues of the journal.


Come join us at HCT in January 2017 for an important discussion of issues challenging people and the planet in the 21st century. Our team is always happy to answer your questions.

Web address:

Fwd: MANILA International Conference on Law, Business, Education and Corporate Social Responsibility (LBECSR-17) Jan. 23-24, 2017 Manila (Philippines)

MANILA International Conference on Law, Business, Education and Corporate Social Responsibility (LBECSR-17) 
23rd to 24th January 2017
Manila, Philippines

Deadline of New Full Paper/Poster/Abstract Submissions: Dec. 6, 2016

Approved by Commission of Higher Education (Philippines) Multi-Disciplinary Scientific Conference is being Organized by Prof. Dr. Michel Plaisent of the University of Quebec, Montreal (Canada). CHED endorsement Link:

FEE: Filipino Author: 3000 PHP; Foreigner: 225 USD
Delegates from Philippines can pay in the Philippine BANK Account that will be provided with the Registration form at the time of acceptance

Top Selected papers will be Published in the following Canadian Journal: Journal of Global Management Research ISSN 1488-4569  
Country of Publisher: Canada

SUBMISSION using Email:  

- Distance Education
- E-learning
- Higher Education
- Lifelong Learning
- Teaching and Learning

- Local Government
- Social Sciences
- Sociology

- Advertising
- Banking and finance
- Business
- Business Ethics
- E-commerce
- Economics
- Human Resources
- Management
- Marketing

- Accidents & Injuries
- Arbitration & Mediation
- Bankruptcy & Debt
- Car & Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Civil Rights
- Consumer Issues
- Criminal Law
- Dangerous Products
- Divorce & Family Law
- Education Law
- Elder law & Aging
- Employee's Right
- Estates & Probbate
- Health Care Law
- Immigration Law
- Intellectual
- Internet Law For The Public
- Justice and legal studies
- Lawsuits & Lawyers
- Real Estate
- Securities Law
- Small Business
- Social Security And Retirement

Text uisng LINE, Whatsapp, Viber: +971 52 829 9493 
Web address:
Sponsored by: International Association of Humanities, Social Sciences & Management Researchers

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

5th Global Summit on Education (GSE 2017)

GSE 2017
5th Global Summit on Education (GSE 2017)
27th & 28th March 2017
Venue: Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The GSE 2017 Committee cordially invites submission of papers to the 5th Global Summit on Education (GSE 2017). The GSE 2017 conference is a platform to bring together researchers, developers and practitioners from academia and industry working in all interdisciplinary areas of Education.

The conference is hosted by, KOKUIS

Medium of Papers/Presentation
English / Malay (Papers in Malay are welcome)

"Trends and Challenges in Education"


Important Dates:

Abstract Submission Due: 15th January 2017
Acceptance of Abstract: 30th January 2017
Full paper Submission Deadline: 15th February 2017
Full paper Acceptance 20th February 2017
Early-bird Fee until: 31st December 2016

Hp / Whatsapp: +6011-10611062 (Azriati)

All accepted papers at GSE 2017 conference are reviewed and will be published in the GSE 2017 conference e-proceeding with an e-ISBN number ( 978-967-0792-xx-x ). The papers will be available in our website and other open source academic site (i.e RePec, Google Scholar) for a wider view.

The best papers will be considered for inclusion for publication in the internationally reviewed GSE e-Journal of Education with an e-ISSN: 2289-6880

Parallel to GSE2017, we also hosting other International Conferences on;
1. 4th International Conference On Arabic Studies & Islamic Civilization 2017 (ICASIC 2017)
2. 5th International Conference On Social Sciences Research 2017 (ICSSR 2017)

We hope you can help to disseminate the info about this Conference to your colleagues, friends and any of your network/groups in Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, WhatsApp and other media.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Re-Inventing Eastern Europe, Belgrade, Serbia, 27 – 28 January 2017

Call for Papers

The Sixth Euroacademia International Conference

Re-Inventing Eastern Europe


27 – 28 January 2017, Belgrade, Serbia


Deadline for Paper Proposals: 10 December 2016


Conference Description:

The Sixth Euroacademia International Conference 'Re-Inventing Eastern Europe' aims to make a case and to provide alternative views on the dynamics, persistence and manifestations of practices of alterity making that take place in Europe and broadly in the mental mappings of the world. It offers an opportunity for scholars, activists and practitioners to identify, discuss, and debate the multiple dimensions in which specific narratives of alterity making towards Eastern Europe preserve their salience today in re-furbished and re-fashioned manners. The conference aims to look at the processes of alterity making as puzzles and to address the persistence of the East-West dichotomies.


Not a long time ago, in 2010, a British lady was considered bigoted by Gordon Brown upon asking 'Where do all these Eastern Europeans come from?'. Maybe, despite her concern with the dangers of immigration for Britain, the lady was right in showing that such a question still awaits for answers in Europe. The ironic thing however is that a first answer to such a question would point to the fact that the Eastern Europeans come from the Western European imaginary. As Iver Neumann puts it, 'regions are invented by political actors as a political programme, they are not simply waiting to be discovered'. And, as Larry Wolff skillfully showed, Eastern Europe is an invention emanated initially from the intellectual agendas of the elites of the Enlightenment that later found its peak of imaginary separation during the Cold War.

The Economist, explicitly considered Eastern Europe to be wrongly labeled and elaborated that 'it was never a very coherent idea and it is becoming a damaging one'. The EU enlargement however, was expected to make the East – West division obsolete under the veil of a prophesied convergence. That would have finally proven the non-ontologic, historically contingent and unhappy nature of the division of Europe and remind Europeans of the wider size of their continent and the inclusive and empowering nature of their values. Yet still, 20 years after the revolutions in the Central and Eastern European countries, Leon Mark, while arguing that the category of Eastern Europe is outdated and misleading, bitterly asks a still relevant question: 'will Europe ever give up the need to have an East?'

Eastern Europe was invented as a region and continues to be re-invented from outside and inside. From outside its invention was connected with alterity making processes, and, from inside the region, the Central and Eastern European countries got into a civilizational beauty contest themselves in search of drawing the most western profile: what's Central Europe, what's more Eastern, what's more Ottoman, Balkan, Byzantine, who is the actual kidnapped kid of the West, who can build better credentials by pushing the Easterness to the next border. A wide variety of scholars addressed the western narratives of making the Eastern European other as an outcome of cultural politics of enlightenment, as an effect of EU's need to delineate its borders, as an outcome of its views on security , or as a type of 'orientalism' or post-colonialism. Most of these types of approaches are still useful in analyzing the persistence of an East-West slope. The region is understood now under a process of convergence, socialization and Europeanization that will have as outcomes an 'ever closer union' where the East and the West will fade away as categories. Yet the reality is far from such an outcome while the persistence of categories of alterity making towards the 'East' is not always dismantled. The discourse on core-periphery, new Europe/old Europe is rather gaining increasing ground in the arena of European identity narratives often voiced by the EU.


The conference is organized yet by no means restricted to the following panels:

The Agenda of the Enlightenment: Inventing Eastern Europe ~ Europe East and West: On the Persistence of the Division ~ Reviewing Alternative Modernities: East and West ~ Writing About the East in West ~ Writing about the West in East ~ The Eastern European 'Other' Inside the European Union ~ Mental Mappings on Eastern Europe ~ People-ing the Eastern Europeans ~ Geopolitical Views on the East-West Division ~ Post-colonial readings of Eastern Europe ~ Making Borders to the East: Genealogies of Othering ~ Inclusion/Exclusion Nexuses ~ Myths and Misconceptions on Eastern Europe ~ Core Europe/Non-Core Europe ~ Central Europe vs. Eastern Europe ~ Reading the Past: On Memory and Memorialization ~ Eastern Europe and the Crises ~ Assessing Convergence in Eastern Europe ~ Explaining Divergence in Eastern Europe ~ Central and Eastern Europe and the EU ~ Scenarios for the Future of Eastern Europe ~ Eastern Europe and Asymmetries of Europeanization ~ Axiological Framings of Eastern Europe ~ Eastern Europe in Western Literature ~ Re-making Eastern Europe: Pushing the Easterness to the Next Border ~ From the Ottoman Empire to Russia: Cultural Categories in the Making of Eastern Europe ~ Go West! Migration from Eastern Europe and Experiences of 'Othering' ~ Lifestyles and the Quotidian Peculiarities of the Invented East ~ Visual Representation of Eastern Europe in Film: From Dracula to Barbarian Kings ~ Guidebooks for the Savage Lands: Representations of Eastern Europe in Travel Guides ~ Urban Landscapes in Eastern Europe ~ Changing Politics and the Transformation of Cities ~ Eastern Europe and Artistic Movements




For on-line application and complete information on the event, please see:


The 300 words titled abstract and details of affiliation can also be sent to with the name of the conference specified in the subject line. We will acknowledge the receipt of all proposals. In case you received no confirmation in one day after applying on-line, please re-send your abstract by e-mail as well.

2017 International Academic Conference on Business

2017 International Academic Conference on Business Hawaii

January 1-5, 2017

Maui, Hawaii

Submission Deadline: December 6, 2016 (Miss a deadline? Contact our office.)

The Clute Institute, established in 1985, hosts the International Academic Conference on Business to promote excellence in academic research.

Please join us for the 2017 International Academic Conference on Business Hawaii. The aim of the conference is to provide an opportunity for researchers to present their ideas, proposals, or completed research in all areas of education to an international audience. Since 30 to 50 different countries are typically represented, presenting at this conference is a great way to get feedback from researchers with a different perspective. An extensive list of acceptable topics is available on our website. A peer review is available upon request.


This year we are returning to the Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa located on the beautiful island of Maui. In addition to the International Academic Conference on Business, we are also hosting an International Conference on Education which will be held concurrently; one registration covering both.


Contact Us: 303-904-4750
Web address
Sponsored by: The Clute Institute, Littleton, Colorado, USA

2017 International Conference on Education New York

2017 International Conference on Education New York

July 30 – August 3, 2017

New York, New York, USA

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2017 (Miss a deadline? Contact our office.)

The Clute Institute, established in 1985, hosts the International Conference on Education (ICE) to promote excellence in academic research.

Please join us for the 2017 International Conference on Education New York. The aim of the conference is to provide an opportunity for researchers to present their ideas, proposals, or completed research in all areas of education to an international audience. Since 30 to 50 different countries are typically represented, presenting at this conference is a great way to get feedback from researchers with a different perspective. An extensive list of acceptable topics is available on our website. Blind peer reviews are available upon request.


We will be returning to the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel located just a few blocks from Times Square. In addition to the International Conference on Education, we are also hosting an International Academic Conference on Business which will be held concurrently; one registration covering both.


Inquiries: 303-904-4750
Web address:
Sponsored by: The Clute Institute, Littleton, Colorado, USA

International Conference on Multidisciplinary Filipino Studies

International Conference on Multidisciplinary Filipino Studies
27th to 29th October 2017
Hilo, United States of America

This conference aims to provide an excellent venue for the exchange and sharing of ideas, researches, studies, experiences, and other academic pursuits, endeavors and interests related to the Filipinos and the Philippines.

Web address:
Sponsored by: Filipino Studies Program, University of Hawaii-Hilo

2017 International Conference on Business and Information

Call for Papers
2017 International Conference on Business and Information
4th to 6th July 2017
Hiroshima, Japan

Dear Colleague,

The 2017 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2017) is to be held in Hiroshima, Japan, on July 04-06, 2017. The aim of this conference is to provide a platform which focuses on certain important topics of business and information. Detailed information about the conference can be found on the official website.

We sincerely invite your participation for this event. Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISSN reference, on CD-ROM support.

Conference Website:

Sincerely yours,

BAI 2017 Conference

International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences (ICEPS) 2017

International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences (ICEPS) 2017
2nd to 4th August 2017
Bangkok, Thailand

ICEPS 2017 aims to build an international platform that allows interested parties to gather together to share and discuss their studies regarding all aspects of social science, education and psychology from various perspectives. Prospective authors are welcome to submit their full papers or Abstracts, but only high quality papers will be recommended to sponsored journals for special issues. All submissions to the conference will go through blindly review processes by at least two independent peers.

Web address:
Sponsored by: National Taipei University of Technology, Chulalongkorn University, Shih Chien University

2017 CEBU International Conference on Studies in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (SASSH-17) Jan. 26-27, 2017 Cebu - Philippines

2017 CEBU International Conference on Studies in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (SASSH-17) 
26th to 27th January 2017
Cebu, Philippines
(Last year 150 delegates attended the conference at same venue)

Approved by Commission of Higher Education (Philippines) Multi-Disciplinary Scientific Conference is being Organized by Prof. Dr. Michel Plaisent of the University of Quebec, Montreal (Canada). CHED endorsement Link:

FEE: Filipino Author: 3000 PHP; Foreigner: 225 USD
Delegates from Philippines can pay in the Philippine BANK Account that will be provided with the Registration form at the time of acceptance

Top Selected papers will be Published in the following Canadian Journal: Journal of Global Management Research ISSN 1488-4569  
Country of Publisher: Canada

SUBMISSION using Email:  

Text uisng LINE, Whatsapp, Viber: +971 52 829 9493 
Web address:
Sponsored by: International Association of Humanities, Social Sciences & Management Researchers

- Anthropology
- Art History
- Arts
- English
- History
- Information science
- Interdisciplinary studies
- Islamic Studies
- Language
- Linguistics
- Literature
- Local Government
- Multidisciplinary Studies
- Museums and heritage
- Music
- Occupational Science
- Philosophy
- Poetry
- Politics
- Psychology
- Religious studies
- Social Sciences
- Sociology

- Children and Youth
- Communications and Media
- Complex Systems
- Conflict resolution
- Creativity
- Culture
- Disaster Management
- Discourse
- Film studies
- Gender studies
- GLBT Studies
- Globalization
- Human Rights
- Identity
- Leadership
- Memory
- Poverty
- Public Policy
- Sexuality and eroticism
- Spirituality
- Sport science
- Sustainable development
- Tourism
- Urban studies
- Violence
- African Language
- African Literature
- African Studies
- American Studies
- Asian Studies
- Built Environment
- Development Studies
- European Studies
- Health Disparity
- Human Geography
- Human Geography
- Income Disparity
- International Relations
- Labour Economics
- Liberal Arts education
- Literacy Perspectives
- Multiculturalism
- Psychology Of Violence
- Racial Equality
- Racial Issues

Hotel Summit Circle, Cebu
Address: Fuente Osmeña Cir, Cebu City, 6000 Cebu, Philippines
Phone:+63 32 239 3000

Contemporary Issues Summit at Harvard (CIS@HARVARD)

Contemporary Issues Summit at Harvard (CIS@HARVARD)

15-16 MARCH 2017
Martin Conference Center at Harvard University

SUMMIT THEME: Innovation, Inspiration, and Hope in a VUCA World


CIS@HARVARD provides a unique opportunity to bring together stakeholders from academia, government, international agencies, NGOs, non-profits, and social entrepreneurs to explore and share practical, evidence-based solutions to some of the world's most pressing contemporary challenges. The theme driving the 2017 summit is Innovation, Inspiration, and Hope in a VUCA World.

The summit program is comprised of keynote speeches, interactive workshops, panel discussions, oral and poster presentations, and opportunities for networking with a diverse group of global professionals who care deeply about the world's most pressing challenges. Join fellow problem solvers at Harvard in engaging discussions on how to foster innovation, inspiration, and hope in this so-called VUCA world!


ORAL PRESENTER: 25 minutes (20 minute presentation, 5 minute Q & A).

POSTER PRESENTER: 3 hours (held on 15 March from a.m. coffee break through lunch).

ABSENTEE PRESENTER: For those unable to join us in person at Harvard, we offer the opportunity to participate as an Absentee Presenter. Absentee Presenters can: (1) upload a narrated presentation to our website and social media sites; (2) publish his/her abstract in the Conference Program Book; and (3) publish his/her paper in the Conference Proceedings.

NON-PRESENTER (LISTENER): Participate in the various presentation sessions.


* Education & Workforce Development
* Information Technology
* Innovation & Entrepreneurship
* International Development
* Energy & Environment
* Public Health


Submission of your abstract proposal (maximum of 3 submissions) should be made in English through our Online Submission System until the final deadline of February 17, 2017.


All papers that meet the Conference Proceedings guidelines will be published in our online Conference Proceedings (ISSN: 2330-1236). The editors of our peer-reviewed Journal of 21st Century Education (ISSN: 2330-1244) select the best papers from the Conference Proceedings to appear in thematic issues of the journal.


Come join us at Harvard in March 2017 for an important discussion of issues challenging people and the planet in the 21st century. Our team is always happy to answer your questions.

Web address:

The European Conference on Education 2017 (ECE2017)

Join us in Brighton next spring for The European Conference on Education 2017 (ECE2017), June 29 to July 2, 2017.

***ECE2017 at a glance

The European Conference on Education 2017 (ECE2017) will be held alongside The European Conference on Language Learning 2017 (ECLL2017) in the cosmopolitan city of Brighton, UK.

Submit your abstract now to participate in this international, interdisciplinary and intercultural event.

**Location: The Jurys Inn Brighton Waterfront, Brighton, UK
**Dates: Thursday, June 29 to Sunday, July 2, 2017
**Abstract Submission Deadline: February 16, 2017


Already had your abstract accepted? Register now:

To find out about registration packages, presentation options, conference events and more, please visit the conference website:


***ECE2017 Conference Theme: "Educating for Change"

Whether we are looking at why we must change, or how education has changed or even how education will change, change affects all of us involved in language education in many ways. Administrators, teacher trainers, teachers, students: we all wear many hats and we all come face-to-face with change, sometimes on a daily basis. Positive change is about improvement: improving proficiency, improving lives, helping learners achieve their goals and dreams and ultimately, broadening horizons.

In our work as educators we are often asked to effect change – that we are change-makers can be seen in the new curriculums, new material, and even new techniques or methods that we develop. For those of us who conduct research, our research is often focused on finding "better" or more effective ways of teaching often measured in outcomes such as students entered with an average of X and improved to an average of Y. In such a case, improvement = change! But change is also an area of research as can be seen by looking at journals such as the Journal of Educational Change, Changes in Higher Education, Culture and Change, and Educational Research for Social Change, to mention four. It is a serious area of study, and one worth our attention.

The focus of the last journal mentioned above is worth looking at. Change is not only about test scores or proficiency going up. It is also about lasting change in one's life, life choices, and looking beyond us as individuals to the society we live in. Social change and a focus on improving the societies we live in is another outcome of education. In recent years, there has been a focus on language and identity, as well as an embrace of sociocultural theory and language development.

At the same time change for the sake of change is not a good reason for change. There is often a tension between the status quo (which is not always bad) and the desire to change. As invested members of our field, we need to be able to examine change, identifying and applying that which is appropriate and will further our goals while also having the wisdom and gumption to reject change that does not make sense. As Dewey said, "Reforms which rest simply upon the enactment of law, or the threatening of certain penalties, or upon changes in mechanical or outward arrangements are transitory and futile."

And so we welcome you to this year's conferences, where we can examine change in ways that are important to each of us. What are its challenges, its complexities, and its constraints? It is electrifying to think about the wide-ranging conversations we will have as we consider how we can go about educating for change the world over.

In conjunction with our global partners, we look forward to extending you a warm welcome in 2017.

– The ECE2017 Organising Committee (



**Professor Brian Hudson, University of Sussex, UK

Brian Hudson is Professor of Education and Head of the School of Education and Social Work at the University of Sussex. He is the main organiser of the World Education Research Association (WERA) International Research Network on Didactics – Learning and Teaching; a member of the WERA Outreach Committee; an Associate Editor of the Journal of Curriculum Studies and a Board Member of the Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) Network. He is Honorary Member of the EERA Network on Didactics – Learning and Teaching, Honorary Professor at the University of Dundee and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Education Studies and Leadership at the University of Ghana.

Further speakers for The European Conference on Education 2017 (ECE2017) will be announced in the coming months.


***IAFOR Publishing Opportunities

**Peer-reviewed journal: IAFOR Journal of Education

The IAFOR Journal of Education ( is an editorially independent journal associated with ECE. The Editor of the journal will select the strongest papers from associated conference proceedings for inclusion. This open access journal, which conforms to the highest academic standards, reflects the interdisciplinary and international nature of our conferences.

**Conference Proceedings

If your abstract is accepted and you have registered for the conference, you are encouraged to submit a full paper for inclusion in the official conference proceedings. Our conference proceedings are open access research repositories, which act as permanent records of the research generated by IAFOR conferences. Submit your paper:


***Join IAFOR at ECE2017 to:

– Present to a global audience
– Have your work published in the Conference Proceedings and considered for peer-reviewed, open-access journals
– Benefit from IAFOR's interdisciplinary focus by hearing about the latest research in Education, Language Learning, and more
– Participate in a truly international, interdisciplinary and intercultural event
– Take part in interactive audience sessions
– Network with international colleagues

**Register now to take advantage of Early Bird Registration and save over 20%. Early Bird Registration is open until March 16, 2017. Lunch is included in all conference registrations. Please see the registration page for details:

*If you have attended an IAFOR conference within the past year, or belong to an affiliated university or institution, we offer additional discounts in appreciation of your support. Please contact us at for details.


***About IAFOR

To learn more about IAFOR, please visit For enquiries please contact

The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2017 (ACTC2017)

Join us in Japan next spring for The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2017 (ACTC2017), May 11-14, 2017.

***ACTC2017 at a glance

The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2017 (ACTC2017) will be held alongside The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2017 (ACLL2017) in the beautiful and historic city of Kobe, Japan.

The abstract submission deadline is fast approaching. Submit now to participate in this international, interdisciplinary and intercultural event.

**Location: Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan
**Dates: Thursday, May 11 to Sunday, May 14, 2017
**Abstract Submission Deadline: December 28, 2016


Already had your abstract accepted? Register now:

To find out more about registration packages, presentation options, conference events and more, please visit the conference website:


***ACTC2017 Conference Theme: "Educating for Change"

"Technology" and "change" are two of the most commonplace words in education today. For educators, learners, policy makers, and researchers the questions and concerns frequently revolve around managing constantly changing technology, claims for improvements that technology will bring to the classroom and beyond, and changes that learners and teachers must accommodate themselves to. However, "educating for change" is not about any of these concerns. "For" forces us to examine the changes we wish to create first. What are our purposes? Why do we value certain changes over others? And then, how do we apply technology for the purpose of realising those changes?

A useful lens is to return to underlying definitions of learning to help us examine some of the changes that are possible in learning.

Applying technology to education and learning can change our behavior and the behaviors of our learners. We have all established new habits of mind through our interaction with technology.

Technology can be a powerful tool to augment learners' capacities to construct and therefore change knowledge and change themselves.

Technology may free us from old frames of reference by allowing learners and teachers to communicate farther and faster and with more people with more varied personal experiences than ever before.

However, technology will not help us achieve any of those changes without choosing them first, keeping those choices in mind, and then using the expertise of others. When technologists learn from psychologists, designers, sociologists, and economists or artists we can best reach our desired goals.

In conjunction with our global partners, we look forward to extending you a warm welcome in 2017.

– The ACTC2017 Organising Committee (



**Keynote Presentation: Beyond web 2.0: Designing authentic mobile learning for everyday contexts in Asia
Professor Mark Pegrum, The University of Western Australia, Australia

When the second generation of the web, or web 2.0, emerged around 2000, it opened up the possibility of promoting personalised but collaborative learning. A new generation of mobile context-aware technologies has now emerged, which builds on web 2.0 but goes beyond it, opening up the possibility of foregrounding authentic learning in everyday contexts. To capitalise on this new potential for educational change, it is essential to develop appropriate mobile learning designs. Drawing on Pegrum's (2014) 3-Level Mobile Learning Framework, Burden & Kearney's (2017) Mobile Pedagogical Framework, and Clandfield & Hadfield's (2017) Weak & Strong Interaction Model, this paper suggests that today's optimal mobile learning designs should involve activities where the devices, the learners, and the learning experiences are all mobile; where the three dimensions of personalisation, collaboration, and authenticity are foregrounded; and where both weak and strong interaction are present. The paper will illustrate the potential of mobile augmented reality (AR) language and literacy learning projects, most of which also incorporate elements of community building and cultural exploration. The main focus will be on recent gamified learning trails in Asia, such as the Singaporean AR Heritage Trails and the Hong Kong AR TIEs (Trails of Integrity and Ethics), where students learn collaboratively in real-world settings, while practising language, developing digital literacies and 21st century skills, building community, and exploring culture. We will consider how these gamified trails are structured to enable students to draw the greatest learning benefits from digitally supported, authentic, real-world interactions.

**Further speakers:
Professor Ted O'Neill, Gakushuin University, Japan
Professor Steve Cornwell, Osaka Women's University, Japan

**JALT Graduate Student Showcase

In partnership with The Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT), student researchers presenting in the JALT 2016 Graduate Student Showcase have been invited to attend and present their work at a special JALT–IAFOR poster session at The Asian Conference on Language Learning (ACLL2017). This is an excellent chance for conference delegates to catch up on some of the latest developments in language learning and instruction.


***IAFOR Publishing Opportunities

**Peer-reviewed journal: IAFOR Journal of Education

The IAFOR Journal of Education ( is an editorially independent journal associated with ACTC. The Editor of the journal will select the strongest papers from associated conference proceedings for inclusion. This open access journal, which conforms to the highest academic standards, reflects the interdisciplinary and international nature of our conferences.

**Conference Proceedings

If your abstract is accepted and you have registered for the conference, you are encouraged to submit a full paper for inclusion in the official conference proceedings. Our conference proceedings are open access research repositories, which act as permanent records of the research generated by IAFOR conferences. Submit your paper:


***Join IAFOR at ACTC2017 to:

– Present to a global audience
– Have your work published in the Conference Proceedings and considered for peer-reviewed, open-access journals
– Benefit from IAFOR's interdisciplinary focus by hearing about the latest research in Technology in the Classroom, Language Learning, and more
– Participate in a truly international, interdisciplinary and intercultural event
– Take part in interactive audience sessions
– Network with international colleagues

**Register now to take advantage of Early Bird Registration and save over 20%. Early Bird Registration is open until January 31, 2017. Lunch is included in all conference registrations. Please see the registration page for details:

*If you have attended an IAFOR conference within the past year, or belong to an affiliated university or institution, we offer additional discounts in appreciation of your support. Please contact us at for details.


***About IAFOR

To learn more about IAFOR, please visit For enquiries please contact

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

4th Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research (APCAR-2017)

Fourth Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research (APCAR- 2017)
4th and 5th of March 2017 in Melbourne, Australia.

Venue: Hotel Grand Chancellor, Melbourne, Australia.

Theme: "Share the Vision".

ISBN: 978-099-53980-09

APIAR Scholarships

APIAR is delighted to announce a competition for excellent academic papers.Entries will be judged on the quality of the paper, including the presentation. Only full paper presenters in the conference are qualified to apply. The winner will receive the cost of the air fare and accommodation for the next conference. At the same time, the conference registration fee will be waived. APIAR is also delighted to announce that registration fee will be waived for the four best paper winners to participate in the next conference.The prize is non-negotiable and no monetary alternative will be available.

Fourth Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research (APCAR-2017) will be held on 4th and 5th of March 2016 in Melbourne, Australia. The main theme of this conference is 'Share the Vision'. Accordingly, the conference will cover Business, Social Sciences, Education and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) disciplines. Internationally-recognized scholars will participate in the event to present their latest research and best practices.

Business: Accounting, Strategic Finance, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Strategic Management, Strategic Marketing, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Development, Performance Management, Recruitment and Selection, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, International Business, Globalisation, Corporate Social Responsibility, E-business/E-commerce, Integrated Marketing Communication and Relationship Marketing.

Social Sciences: Anthropology, Archaeology, Area Studies, Cultural and Ethnic Studies, Communication Studies, Gender and Sexuality studies, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, International Relations, Development Studies, Population Studies, Journalism and Mass Communication, Corporate Governance, Cross-Cultural Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies, Public Administration, Philosophy, Women's Studies, Religious Studies and Social Welfare Studies.

Education: Theory of Education, Assertive and Assistive Educational Technology, Comparative Education, Counselling, Cultural Literacy, Curriculum Studies, Distance Education, Early Education, Educational Change, Educational Policy, Planning and Practice, Educational Psychology, Education and Public Policy, Educational Research and Statistics, E-learning, Health Education, Tertiary Education, Innovative Education, Information and Library Science, International Exchange Programs, Language Education, Liberal Education, Mathematics Education, Medical Education, Physical Education, Science Education, Secondary Education, Special Education and Technology Education.

Information and Communication Technology: Advanced IT Bio/Medical Engineering, Bioinformatics and applications, Business and Information Systems, Cloud computing, Convergence in Information Technology Security, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Digital convergence, Electronic Commerce, Business and Management, Grid and Cloud Computing, Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents, Hardware and Software Design, Health and Medical Informatics, Hybrid information technology, Intelligent communications and networks, IT-based Convergence Technology and Service, Multimedia convergence, Smart Card and RFID Technologies, Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems, Social and Business Aspects of Convergence IT, Ubiquitous Computing and Embedded Systems, Recent Trends in Computing and Information technology.

Important Dates:

Abstract / Full paper submission deadline - 30 Dec 2016
Early bird registration deadline - 06 Jan 2017
Regular registration deadline - 13 Jan 2017
Conference dates -4th - 5th March 2017

Special Attractions:

All of the accepted papers (i.e., high standard) will be published without any extra fees in the following journals:
Asia Pacific Journal of Advanced Business and Social Studies (APJABSS, ISBN : 978-0-9943656-75)
Asia Pacific Journal of Contemporary Education and Communication Technology (APJCECT, ISBN : 978-0-9943656-82)
We are looking forward to seeing you in Melbourne in March 2017.

Publish with 'B' ranked Journals:

In a venture to reinforce its support to academics and researchers, Asia-Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR) is pleased to inform you of a new agreement to publish high-quality conference articles in the following two journals:

- International Journal of Web Based Communities (ISSN: 1741-8216)
- International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning (ISSN: 1741-5055)

All conference articles from 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research (APCAR-2017) will be checked against the rigorous criteria set by these two journals.

Thank You.

Kind Regards,

John Taylor
APCAR Secretariat

Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR)
Suite 1A Level 2
802 Pacific Highway
Gordon NSW 2072

Web address:
Sponsored by: Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR)

Jobs @ ISEC

International Seminar @ Department of Library and Information Science, Periyar University

Winter School @ IIIT Bangalore

Decoding the Digital: A 3-day Winter School at IIIT Bangalore, 12th-14th December 2016

Applications are invited for a 3-day winter school organized by the Centre for IT & Public Policy (CITAPP) at the International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (IIITB) during 12th-14th December 2016.


Our everyday lives are increasingly embedded in the digital space - the way our cities look, the way we interact with friends, the way we keep in touch with family, the way we express our opinions, the way we shop, date, take a ride - almost everything that we do on a daily basis is digitally mediated, so much so that it will not be exaggeration to say that we live in a digital society. Even as the notion of a digital society captures our imagination, do we understand its different facades?

The Winter School: Decoding the Digital, positioned at the intersection of social science and information technology, provides a sneak peek into interdisciplinary perspectives to understand different aspects of the emerging digital society.  It draws upon:

Themes for 2016

To streamline the conversation around digital society, this year we focus on two themes that are much talked about in the popular press as well as in academic discourses: Smart Cities and Social Media. Between these two themes we cover wide range of topics ranging from smart communities to smart phones, from intelligent transportation to social activism, from e-governance to e-commerce, from big data to privacy and surveillance.

Programme Structure

The winter school programme consists of lectures, interactive discussions, film screenings and group activities. At the end of the three day programme, participants will present a poster on a specific aspect of the digital society discussed around the two specific themes. The sessions will be conducted during 9 am and 5 pm every day.


Anybody with a Bachelor's degree in any discipline may apply. Students who are in the final year of their Bachelor's degree may also apply. Working professionals employed in the government, corporate and not-for-profit sectors are also encouraged to apply. To apply, please fill in the Application form at

Applications must be submitted by 20th November 2016. Accepted candidates will be notified by 25th November 2016.

There is no fee for attending the winter school. Outstation participants may be provided accommodation in IIITB's hostels on payment of applicable charges. For further queries mail to:

Call for Papers: 39th International Business Research Conference

FINAL Call For Papers

39th International Business Research Conference

DATES: 15 - 16 December 2016

VENUE: Shinjuku Washington Hotel, Tokyo, Japan

Deadlines: Submission: 18 November 2016 and Registration: 2nd December 2016



We invite full papers and/or Abstracts relating to all broad areas of: a. Accounting b. Banking c. Economics d. Finance e. Management, and f. Marketing for the above international conference organised by Global Research Institute for Business Academics (Australia), London Academic Research and Publication, UK and American Research and Publication International, New York, USA. All submissions are subject to blind peer review process. Doctoral students and scholars are highly encouraged to submit papers for expert reviews. Five international journals listed by Excellent Research Australia (ERA) of Australian Government are the associate sponsors of this conference.

Submission and Review Guidelines:

Please submit full papers and/or abstracts by 18 November 2016 to If your abstract is accepted, you can send full paper by 2nd December 2016 for proceedings. All abstract and/full paper must contain the name of the corresponding author with title ( Mr. Ms. Dr. etc), affiliation, address, phone and email address. Please see the submission guidelines on the website and Sample Paper for more information on how to submit your paper. You are also welcome to volunteer to participate as session chairs, reviewers and members of the program committee. Acceptance notice will be sent as soon as review process is over.

PUBLICATION OPPORTUNITIES: Outstanding papers will be considered by the following affiliated journals indexed by ABDC, ISI, SCOPUS
Affiliated International Journals:
- Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting (B-Ranked by ABDC)
- Journal of Management Science (indexed by Thomson Reuter)
- Banks and Bank System (Indexed by Scopus)
- International Journal of Supply Chain Management (indexed by Scopus)

All authors must comply to the editorial policy of the above journals. If you are interested in any one of the above journals, please indicate in your email while sending the paper to us.

Publication In 2017 Special issues of ERA Journals Without Any Fee:

High quality papers will be considered for publication in the following journals listed by ERA, Australian Research Council of Australian Government ( Journal of Business & Policy Research, Global Economy and Finance Journal, International Review of Business Research Papers, World Journal of Management and Global Review of Accounting and Finance. No publication fee of any sort is involved for these journals if your paper wins outstanding paper or best paper award. These journals are listed by ERA, CrossRef, Ulrich and EBSCO of USA. Indexing by Scopus is in progress.

Written Feedback on your Paper: Unlike most of the conferences, we deliver "Written Feedback on your paper" in the form of Paper Evaluation Report after the conference. This credible report would assist the author to revise and improve the paper to assist in publishing in quality journal.

Awards and Certificates: Best Paper Award and Outstanding Paper Award in each track will be conferred by the Program Committee and all awardees will become Fellows and Members of Global Research Institute for Business Academics which will allow you to join our future conferences, seminars, workshop and training at a discounted rate. It would provide networking facilities to team up with other Fellows/members to produce high quality research output. Certificate of presentation will be issued to participants presenting their research at the conference. Certificate of chairing a session will be issued to chairs acknowledging their contribution in the conference.

Feedings and Facilities: The registration fee includes Tea/Coffee and break time foods plus publication of outstanding papers in the journals. In addition, every participant will receive printed program book.

Important Dates and Deadlines:

Deadline for Abstract and/or full paper Submission: 18 November 2016
Date of Notification of acceptance: Within shortest possible time
Full Paper submission for proceedings: 2nd December, 2016
Registration Deadline: 2nd December, 2016

For any further enquiries please contact: Professor Mohammad Hoque, Conference Coordinator via

International Program Committee:

Please see the conference website for more details on this.

RDC 2017 - Rural Development Conference 2017

Call for papers: RDC 2017 - Rural Development Conference 2017
9-11 July 2017
Bangkok, Thailand

Web address:
Sponsored by: Tomorrow People Organization

Dear Scholars, Students, NGO and governmental representatives:

Rural Development Conference 2017 will focus on issues related to agricultural and rural development and will host distinguished delegates form over 40 countries worldwide, coming from academic, NGO, governmental and business realms.

RDC 2017 is intended to be a forum, discussion and networking place for academics, researchers, professionals, administrators, educational leaders, policy makers, industry representatives, advanced students, and others interested in rural development and agriculture.

More specifically, it targets:

Scholars: Share your research, learn some new approaches, hear about others' experiences and pass on your knowledge and experience.

Government officials and policy makers: Learn about the best practices, rural and agricultural development strategies and systems around the world; network with other policy makers and NGOs working in the field of supporting rural development.

NGOs: Network with other international NGOs, possible donors and colleagues from around the world and share your achievements and strategies with others.

Graduate students: Meet your colleagues from around the world, make new friends, and improve your knowledge and communication skills.

Company representatives: This is a chance to improve your leadership skills, learn more about the importance of critical issues in achieving the high performances of your organization, meet your colleagues, exchange ideas and establish new connections and partnerships.

Others: Anyone who is interested in making some positive changes around them and gaining new knowledge, skills and friends and becoming more useful to their own communities.

Rural Development Conference 2017 will provide unlimited resources and opportunities to interact with prominent leaders in the fields rural development and agriculture and greatly expand on your global network of scholars and professionals.

We welcome: ORAL, POSTER and VIRTUAL presentations. Early submissions are strongly encouraged due to limited space in the venue, as applications are reviewed on a rolling admission basis - as long as space is available.

The conference topics include, but are not limited to: Agribusiness, Agricultural Education, Agricultural Research, Agricultural Risk Management, Agricultural Trade, Agriculture and Rural Development, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Community Based Rural Development, Economic and Social aspect of Rural Development, Economic Development, Employment in Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Food Production, Food Safety, Forests and Forestry, Gender and Rural Development, Irrigation and Drainage, Land Policy and Administration, Land and Food Security, Land Resources Management, Livestock and Animal Resources, Micro-finance for Rural Development, Organic Food Production, Poverty, Rural Education, Rural Finance, Rural Healthcare, Rural Livelihoods, Rural Policy, Rural Private Sector Development, Rural Transport, Rural Water Supply, Technology and Innovation, Sanitation and Hygiene, Sustainable Rural Development, Water Resources Management, Other topics related to rural and agricultural development.

Papers presented at the conference will be published in a dedicated ISBN publication of RDC 2017 Conference Proceedings.

We look forward to seeing you in Bangkok in July 2017, as one of our participants, coming from over 40 countries worldwide!


RDC 2017 Organizing Committee

RDC 2017 is proud to partner with star alliance, as the official airline alliance of the conference, offering up to 20% discount on airfares to the RDC 2017 participants and accompanying persons.

The participating airlines for Rural Development Conference 2017 are: ANA, Adria Airways, Aegean Airlines, Air Canada, Air China, Air India, Air New Zealand, Asiana Airlines, Avianca, Croatia Airlines, EVA Airways, EgyptAir, Ethiopian Airlines, Scandinavian Airlines, Shenzhen Airlines, Singapore Airlines, South African Airways, TAP Portugal, THAI, Turkish Airlines, United.

Bookings can be made, clicking on the link bellow, or if booked through the travel agent, please make sure you provide the event booking code for tickets reservation TG05S17 :

EduTeach2017 - Second Canadian International Conference on Advances in Education, Teaching & Technology 2017

Dear Colleague,

Call for Papers

EduTeach2017- Second Canadian International Conference on Advances in Education, Teaching & Technology 2017
Toronto, Canada on 29-30 July, 2017

"Global Education through technology – Challenges, Issues and trends"

Unique Conferences Canada and International Center for Research & Development wish to announce that the Second Canadian International Conference on Advances in Education, Teaching & Technology 2017 will be held at the Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada on 29-30 July, 2016.

This exciting two day interactive international premier event which create an opportunity for academics, practitioners, PhD students to come together, review their research findings, exchange ideas, and discuss emerging trends. We are expecting more than 100 presenters from 45 different countries.

You are invited to submit an abstract to this important conference and join this global educational community.

The Benefits of attending EduTeach2017

- Global audience representing all 5 continents
- World class Keynote speakers
- Great networking opportunities
-Be a member of our growing community
- Meet your Canadian research collaborator
- Explore Ryerson & Toronto two great Universities
- Opportunity to visit Canada
- Publication of your paper with Canadian ISBN number (online)

Conference web site:

Send your abstract to

Early bird registration deadline: 30 January 2017

We hope to meet you in Canada.

Best wishes

Prabhath Patabendi
Convener - EduTeach2017
Unique Conferences Canada

2nd International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing

2nd International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing
Call for Papers
9th - 11th January 2017
Venue: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Planning is now in hand for 2nd International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing - ICBEMM 2017(Dubai), which, as you may know, will be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on 9th -11th January 2017. The overall objective of ICBEMM 2017 is to provide a platform and stimulate discussion on various issues affecting business,economics, marketing and management and interdisciplinary study between business, economics and management.

Conference Website:
Call for Papers Link:
Other FLE Events Link:

Research and discussion on any aspects of business, economic, management and marketing is welcome. The deadline for proposals is 28th November 2016 by which all interested participants are required to submit a provisional title, a short abstract (300-500 words) and an indication of your willingness to participate. We highly encourage doctorate (PhD) and postgraduate students to present their research proposal or literature review or findings or issues in this conference with a very special registration fees. Case studies, abstracts of research in progress, as well as full research papers will be considered for the conference program for presentation purposes.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding abstract/paper submission. Please forward this announcement to your colleagues and students who may be interested. We look forward to seeing you in Boston.

With best wishes,

FLE Learning
Conference Division
T: +1 778 819 0134
F: +1 604 757 0701