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Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings from ISEC, Bangalore!

We take immense pleasure in inviting applications for the Certificate Course in Methods and Applications in Social Science Research (CCMASSR) at ISEC, Bangalore scheduled from 26th October to 6th November, 2015. The course would provide an exposure to both rigorous quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. It would also provide a training on handling large scale data sets like NSSO unit level data using SPSS and STATA. The classes would include both theoretical as well as hands-on-experiences with the guidance of experts.

The details of the course is attached herewith and also available in ISEC website The application form is also attached herewith for your information. Filled-in application form by 30th September, 2015 (date extended) to the following address.

Mailing Address:
Dr. Indrajit Bairagya, CHRD, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore-560072.
Email:  Phone:080-23215468

I shall be thankful if you kindly circulate it among your colleagues.

If you have any further queries, kindly do not hesitate to write me.

Thanks and regards,
Dr. Indrajit Bairagya
Assistant Professor, CHRD and CCMASSR course coordinator
Institute for Social and Economic Change

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