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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

PEGNet Conference 2014

Dear PEGNet Colleagues,

We would like to remind you that the Call for Submissions for the PEGNet (Poverty Equity and Growth Network) Conference 2014 is now open. We invite submissions from researchers, practitioners and others actively involved in the field of development for our Call for Papers that has been attached to this document.


Please email your extended abstracts to  in a pdf or Word file and indicate ‘PEGNet Conference 2014’ in the subject heading. Abstracts should have more than 400 words but should not exceed three pages. Priority will be given to empirical research with clear implications for policy design and implementation. They can either address the conference theme, explained in detail below or PEGNet’s core research areas which are poverty reduction, inequality and growth.

Important dates:

Submission of abstracts

April 11, 2014

Notification of acceptance

June 2014

Submission of full papers

August 15,  2014


Conference Theme:

This year’s conference will be held in collaboration with the Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) in Lusaka, Zambia on September 18 and 19. It will address the theme “Employment creation strategies in the developing world - How to create sufficient, productive and decent jobs”.

PEGNet invites submissions that provide answers to the following questions:

  • What are the experiences in the field of youth employment creation in developed countries? What options exist to improve the labor market information and job matching systems?
  • Are subsidies for an apprenticeship system and the recruitment of young people a viable option to promote youth employment in a sustainable way? To what extent might they be relevant for developing countries and emerging economies?
  • Should employment creation concentrate more on traditional sectors or focus on dynamic sectors as tourism, services, research and technology?
  • Thinking about future employment means thinking about education today. How can education at schools, universities and in vocational training be improved to provide better skills for future labor market demand? How can the current education and training systems be reformed in a way that best serves the employability of young people and their integration into the labor market?
  • How can the impacts of selected employment creation policies and instruments on youth employment be measured?
  • Is social protection a viable means of cushioning the effects of unemployment in developing countries?
  • How can we enhance the growth of viable and sustainable enterprises
  • What are some of the country specific policy responses and job creation strategies that could be useful in addressing unemployment?
  • Should informal enterprises in developing countries be formalized and if yes how?

More information is available on our conference website . Please do not hesitate to contact us for further questions at 


We look forward to seeing you in Lusaka!


Kind Regards,


The PEGNet Team




Poverty Reduction Equity and Growth Network (PEGNet)

The Kiel Institute for the World Economy

Research Area "Poverty Reduction, Equity, and Development”

Hindenburgufer 66

D-24105 Kiel,



T: +49 [0] 431. 88 14-403

T: +49 [0] 431. 88 14-249

F: +49-431-8814-502





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