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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Central East European Economies: Trade, Development and Structural Change in the Region

Central East European Economies: Trade, Development and Structural Change in the Region

Panel organized by: Anca Voicu, Rollins College, Florida, USA

(As part of the Third Euroacademia International Conference ‘Re-Inventing Eastern Europe’ to be held in Berlin, Germany, 28-29 March 2014)

Deadline for paper proposals: 25 February 2014

Panel Description:

Among the major economic developments of the past two decades, the transition of the former centrally planned economies of Central East Europe (CEE) to market-driven economies has received great interest from economists, academics and policy makers around the world. One intriguing aspect of this transition is the diversity of the scenarios undertaken by individual countries in reforming their economies, yet remaining within the common framework of mainstream economic policy. There is strong evidence that trade is the primary engine for the growth experienced by these economies and, of the transition process itself and, furthermore, it is central to the current process of development and deeper integration of these economies into the European Union.

This panel focuses on the integration process of the CEE economies into the European Union, their outstanding economic performance following accession, the significant challenges faced since the global financial crisis of 2008 as well as their road to economic recovery.

The research presented in this panel looks initially at the process of economic integration of the CEE countries through trade; however, it emphasizes the broader aspects of structural change and economic development, caused by trade, foreign direct investment and technology transfer. It is predominantly concerned with the implications that European and intra-CEE trade has had for structural transformation and economic dynamics.

A distinct feature of our panel, therefore, is that the discussion moves beyond the core 'trade and growth' framework to look at technological progress, foreign investment and structural change in the CEE region.

The specific issues that represent the focus of this panel are the following:
~ Trade, and its importance, as the main engine for the growth of the economies of the CEE region.
~ EU membership and its importance in fostering and facilitating economic change including growth, reducing corruption, high quality governance, as well as increasing the living standards for CEE nations.
~ The role of history and culture in explaining the current economic standing of the CEE economies as well as their contribution in shaping their future
~ The role of FDI in improving technological structures and accelerating growth in the CEE economies.
~ The role and importance of institutions in the context of transition and post accession into the EU.
~ The vulnerabilities present in the region and policy measures to overcome them.

Contributions explaining the CEE countries trade performance and potential are welcome. Case studies illustrating the idea of path dependency in the economy, with policy approaches taken by various countries and their implications for economic growth and development, are strongly encouraged.

If interested in participating, please send a maximum 300 words abstract together with the details of your affiliation until 25th of February 2014 simultaneously at and

For the complete details of the conference and on-line application please see:

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