Online Workshops on Data analysis using ATLAS.ti & Regression test using SPSS, Jan 2025 @ LekSha Research Centre

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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

2025 KEY WEST International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference

4th to 5th January 2025
KEY WEST, FLORIDA, United States of America
Theme: Promoting Global Progress and Excellence in Academia

ORGANIZED by Academic Organization for Strategic and International Studies® - Academic OASIS®

DATES: January 4th - 5th, 2025
PLACE: Key West, Florida, USA
Pier House Resort and Spa, Key West
1 Duval St, Key West, Florida, 33040


FULL PAPERS - DECEMBER 16, 2024. All full-paper submissions will be reviewed for publication in one of the double-blind, peer-refereed Journals sponsoring the 2025 KEY WEST CONFERENCE or the refereed Conference Proceedings with ISBN number. The authors of these articles will receive their publications in person while still attending the Academic OASIS Conference in Key West (one copy per a registered participant will be provided free of charge).

ABSTRACTS - DECEMBER 23, 2024. The authors of all accepted abstracts will have the chance to PRESENT THEIR RESEARCH IN PROGRESS at the Key West Conference which will also give them the OPPORTUNITY to submit their COMPLETED PAPERS by APRIL 15th, 2025, in order to be considered for a journal publication.


Our KEY WEST Conference is for people who want to participate in a major international forum, get published, network with colleagues from many countries that share similar or complementary interests, and to have fun in KEY WEST, the pearl of the American Caribbean!

The Executive Board of Academic OASIS is very pleased to announce that the Keynote Address at the 2024 Key West International Academic Conference will be delivered by Dr. Ursula Schinzel, and award-winning book author and winner of the Academy of Management Best Paper on an International Topic (Carolyn Dexter Award).

Papers related to all areas of Accounting, Banking, Business Ethics, Communication and Media, e-Business, e-Government, e-Learning, Ecology, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environment and Life Sciences, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Gender Studies, Globalization, Human Resources, Information Technology, Innovation and Creativity, Law and Legal Studies, Leadership, Logistics, Management, Marketing, Political Science, Psychology, Security Studies, Social Sciences, Social Work, Sustainable Development, and Women Studies are invited to this international conference, which is expected to be attended by authors from nearly all parts of the World. People without papers can also participate in this conference, and they are invited to serve as session chairs or discussants, as well as informal contributors to the academic quality of this international event.

Journals Sponsoring the 2025 KEY WEST CONFERENCE:
- Journal of Advancements of Applied Business Research (JAABR)
- Journal of Advancements in Economics, Finance and Accounting (JAEFA)
- Journal of Strategic and International Studies (JSIS)
- Journal of Organizational Advancement, Strategic and Institutional Studies (JOASIS)
- Journal of Psychology and Social Studies (JPSS)

To submit your full paper or abstract, please email it as an attachment (acceptable formats are .doc and .docx) to GLOBAL@IAABR.COM (please put "KEY WEST CONFERENCE" in the subject line of your message). All submissions will be double blind peer-refereed by members of the Conference Review Committee.

Authors who CANNOT travel to Key West for visa or other reasons, may PARTICIPATE VIRTUALLY in the Academic OASIS conference, and these authors will have the same publication opportunities as the regular conference presenters.

The regular registration fee is $385, and it includes: 1) the popular Academic OASIS 2 FOR 1 ADVANTAGE - 2 OPPORTUNITIES: an OPPORTUNITY to PUBLISH your accepted paper or abstract in a PEER-REFEREED PUBLICATION with ISSN or ISBN number issued by the Library of the Congress + an OPPORTUNITY to PRESENT the results of your work at an INTERNATIONAL FORUM for 1 LOW FEE; 2) one printed issue of the journal or Proceedings CD containing your paper; 3) an Official Certificate for International Conference participation; 4) the Conference Luncheon, Receptions, Coffee Breaks and Keynote Address; 5) Attending all Conference sessions and symposia; 6) Attending all Social and Networking events; 7) Listing of your presentation in the Official Conference Program; 8) Explore the history, culture, night life and opportunities for outdoor discoveries of KEY WEST, the pearl of the American Caribbean!

For inquiries, please contact the Conference Organizing Committee via or visit our website:

Web address:

7th Transdisciplinary International Conference by Amity Law School, Noida, 9th and 10th Sept. 2024

Ritakshi Brijwasi
Student Co-convenor
Transdisciplinary International Conference 2024
Amity Law School, NOIDA, AUUP 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The 6th International Conference on Communication, Economics, Laws, Sciences and Technology (Celscitech 2024)

The 6th International Conference on Communication, Economics, Laws, Sciences and Technology (Celscitech 2024)

11th September 2024
Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia

Dear Colleagues,

We are thrilled to extend our invitation to the 6th International Conference on Communications, Economics, Laws, Sciences, and Technology (CELSciTech 2024), to be held in Pekanbaru, Indonesia in 2024. Organized by the Institute for Research and Community (LPPM) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau, Indonesia, and the EuroMid Academy of Business and Technology, Turkey, and a number of strategic partner universities. CELSciTech 2024 is scheduled for September 11, 2024, at Pangeran Hotel Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia.

CELSciTech 2024 provides a great chance for researchers from various universities, educational institutions, research centres, and industries to discuss and exchange ideas as a way of accelerating the development of science in communication, economics, education, law, as well as science and technology. This conference offers a valuable platform for esteemed academicians, scholars, and researchers to connect, collaborate, and interact with peers from both national and international spheres.

Event Details:
Date: September 11, 2024,
Location: Pangeran Hotel Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia.

Mode: Hybrid (Online and Physically).

We are excited to announce that the CELSciTech 2024 conference has garnered technical support from SpringerNature's proceedings/Books. The Conference Proceedings/book will be indexed by renowned platforms such as SCOPUS, Google Scholar, and Springerlink. Furthermore, SpringerNature will assign an ISBN number to these conference proceedings. Selected papers in Engineering and Health scopes will be submitted in the Scopus-indexed journal (Q4)

For more details, please visit

Scope and Tracks

-Economics, Business, Management, and Accounting
-Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry; Biology)
-Environment Sciences
-Engineering (Miscellaneous)
-Health Sciences
-Social Sciences (Education, Laws, Communications, Sociology and Psychology)
-Computer Sciences and Technology

We kindly request that you share this invitation with your colleagues, encouraging them to submit their papers directly through our submission system before the approaching deadline.

Key Dates to Remember:

August 31, 2024: Deadline for full paper submission and Regular Registration

September 11, 2024: Conference Dates

We eagerly anticipate your submissions and look forward to the privilege of hosting you at CELSciTech 2024?!

To begin the registration and paper submission process, kindly visit: Registration and Submission Link

Best Regards,

Romi Fadli Syahputra
CELSciTech 2024- Conference Chair
Univrsitas Muhammadiyah Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia.
EuroMid Academy of Business and Technology, Turkey.

Web address:

Saturday, August 24, 2024

2024 Moodlemoot Africa Conference hosted by Unisa

2024 Moodlemoot Africa Conference hosted by Unisa

25th to 27th September 2024
Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa


MoodleMoot Africa 2024
Hybrid Conference hosted MoodleMoot Africa Association
Botswana Open University (BOU), Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Open University of Tanzania (OUT), University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) and University of South Africa (UNISA)

25-27 September 2024

Onsite: Radisson Hotel Convention Centre, OR Tambo, Kempton Park, South Africa
Broadcast live
The conference calls on all Moodle LMS partners/vendors, educational technologists, learning scientists, academic and non-academic practitioners, scholars, researchers, and students who are interested in the innovation in the 4IR era to collaboratively proffer educational solutions based on their knowledge and practical use of Moodle LMS to improve the current trajectory in the continent's adoption and adaptation of education technologies. This could be based on Moodle Education Technology platform and other complementary technologies such as Cloud technology platforms, database technologies, application programming interfaces, plug-ins, etc.

Introducing this year's keynote speakers:
Mr Martin Dougiamas:
Martin Dougiamas is the founder and CEO of the open-source Moodle software project he started in 1999. The Moodle platform consists of a number of products, but the best-known is Moodle LMS, which allows educators in all sectors to create private educational spaces online, filled with tools for collaborative learning. Martin has a mixed academic background with multiple post-graduate degrees in Computer Science and Education, three honorary doctorates and is a member of multiple boards around the world.

Ms Mathabo Nakene-Mginqi:
Mathabo Nakene-Mginqi is the Vice-Principal ICT / CIO executing the Unisa ICT Digitalisation Strategy to deliver technology lifecycle management that enhances student success rates, high research output and enables the curriculum at Unisa. During her tenure to date, she has saved the University R 26 million in expenditure by leading the adoption and use of the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS). Before joining Unisa, she was Group Manager Service Development at ACSA. She improved passenger processing at emigration and immigration points by over 60% at Cape Town International Airport by rolling out 10 Automated Border Control eGates. This was part of the customer experience programme she led worth R 1,1 billion that incorporated various areas of the ACSA business. She holds a MSc in Project Management from the University of Pretoria.

Professor Gbolagade Adekanmbi
Professor Adekanmbi is currently the Dean of the School of Education at the Botswana Open University, and the University's Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Services. He is also the Chair of the African Deans of Education Forum (ADEF).
Who should attend this conference?
This conference is suited to all Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) users and partners/vendors, educational technologists, academic and non-academic practitioners, scholars, researchers, and students who are interested in the innovation in 4IR era - Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, robotics, internet of things, block chain technology and smart software as they relate to enabling and supporting the Academic Project, student/learner user experience and success throughout their journey of learning.


Web address:

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

4th ROME International Conference on Challenges in Engineering, Medical, Economics and Education: Research and Solutions

4th to 6th December 2024
Rome, Italy

This conference is supported by IEEE SB ISEL and IEEE SB ISCTE

Prof. Dr. Nuno Alexandre Soares Domingues, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa and Instituto de Comunicação da NOVA (ICNOVA) FCSH-UNL (Portugal);
Conference Venue:
University of Washington Rome Center, Piazza del Biscione 95, 00186 Rome, Italy

Submission Abstract/Full Paper/Poster to email: or
Can also submit article in:

----Nov. 18-20, 2024 Istanbul (Turkiye)----
Track: "Science, Engineering & Technology" (IICSET-24) Link:
Track: "Humanities, Social Sciences & Management" (IHSSM-24) Link:

----Oct. 9-11, 2024 Barcelona (Spain)----
Track: "Science, Future & Green Technologies" (SFGT-24) Link:
Track: "Literature, Humanities & Corporate Social Responsibility" (LHCSR-24) Link:
By Default All accepted papers will be published in DOI-CROSSREF(USA) Indexed conference proceedings with valid ISBN number from EU. All registered papers can be published in SCOPUS/ ESCI (THOMSON REUTERS) Indexed journals with extra charges. e.g. in the following journals:
-- Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis SCOPUS Link:
-- Azerbaijan Pharmaceutical and Pharmacotherapy Journal ISSN 1994-1951, 2959-1929 Scopus Link:
-- African Journal of Biological Sciences ISSN : 2663-2187 Scopus Link:
-- Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental ISSN: 1981-982X Scopus Link:
-- Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management ISSN: 2468-4376 Scopus Link:


Web address:

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The 4th International Conference on Media Science and Digital Communication 2024

The 4th International Conference on Media Science and Digital Communication 2024
28th to 29th October 2024
Bali, Indonesia

MSDC Conference 2024

Theme: "We are in action: Digital Empowerment for Sustainable Development"

28th - 29th October 2024 | Bali, Indonesia

Hosting Partner:
The International Network of Media and Communication (INMC)

Co-Hosting Partner
School of Communication, Xiamen University Malaysia

Academic Partners:

Durban University of Technology, South Africa
Department of Communication Science, University of Zululand, South Africa
Greenwich University, Vietnam
KOCAF (K - Content Academy Forum), South Korea
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Davao Oriental State University, Philippines
Philippines Communication Society
Department of Culture Content College of Languages and Cultures, Hanyang University ERICA, South Korea
Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology, Malaysia
Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Brawijaya, Indonesia
School of Business and Management, Institute Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Join us in Bali, Indonesia on October 28th - 29th, 2024, for the 4th International Conference on Media Science and Digital Communication. Experience the future of media and communication through a hybrid platform, engaging with global experts, industry professionals, and technology enthusiasts. Dive into dynamic discussions, interact with thought leaders, and contribute to innovative solutions for the challenges in media science and digital communication. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of the revolution.

It aims to showcase innovative solutions leveraging digital media for sustainable development initiatives while fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among experts and stakeholders. Through initiatives aimed at empowering communities, particularly marginalized groups, the conference emphasizes digital media literacy and access to information as tools for empowerment.

Conference Main Tracks:
Media Culture and Identities
Digital Culture and Communication
Critical and Cultural Studies, Gender and Communication
Ethnicity, Identity, Gender, and the Media
Reinventing Communication Paradigms
Rhetoric, Semiotics, and Semiotics of Culture
Age, Generation, and Elderly Rights
Class, Social, and Digital Inequalities
Environmental Crisis
Social Change Communication
Media Literacies, Media Business, and Politics
Media and Communication Education
Media Training and Workforce Development
Advertising, Adaptations, and Changing Perspectives
E-Commerce and Media Convergence
Journalism Education and Scholastic Journalism
Media Management and Economics
Film Direction and Production
Film and Literature: Artistic Correspondence
Media Technologies and Media Participation
Social Media and Communication Technology
Media Science and Education
Broadcast Media and Globalization
Digital Media and Use of New Technology in Newsgathering
Political Communication and Satire
Newspapers and Magazines as Print/Digital Media
Multimedia and Hypermedia
Politicization of Global Crisis
Normalization of Fascism, Anti-Globalization, and Anti-Democratic Authoritarianism
Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication
Public Relations Theory and Practice
National and International Information and Network Security
Medium Role in Interpersonal Communication
Computer-Mediated Interaction
Interpersonal Information Exchange
Culture and Intercultural Communication
Education on Interpersonal/Intercultural Communication

View more tracks at -

Submit your abstract now!
Submit your abstract via the website:


Register on -

Meet the Experts Leading the Way

Conference Co-Chairs
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wang Changsong
School of Communication
Xiamen University

Prof. Kenneth Kim
Department of Culture Contents
Hanyang University
Republic of Korea

Keynote Speaker

Dr. John V. Pavlik
Professor of journalism and media studies at the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers
The State University of New Jersey

Plenary Speakers

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahadzadeh Ashrafsadat
School of Communication
Xiamen University Malaysia

Dr. Siti Nor Amalina Ahmad Tajuddin
Deputy Director 2
International and Mobility Center
Department of Communication and Media
Faculty of Languages and Communication
Sultan Idris Education University

Exclusive Free Publication Benefits at MSDC Conference 2024

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publication

Digital Journalism
- Online ISSN: 2167-082X
- Editor in chief: Oscar Westlund, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway and University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Abstracted/ Indexed in Journal Citation Reports; SCOPUS; and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)

Communication Review - Special Issue

- Online ISSN: 1547-7487
- Editor in chief: Andrea L. Press and Bruce Williams
- Abstracted/ Indexed in ESCI, Web of Science, EBSCOhost, Scopus, ProQuest online research databases.

Media Asia - Special Issue

- Online ISSN: 0390-6701
- Editor in chief: Marcella Corsi – Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Statistics
- Abstracted/ Indexed in indexed in CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts; Emerging Sources Citation Index; the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), International Political Science Abstracts, RILM - Abstracts of Music and Literature; SCOPUS; Social Services Abstracts and Sociological Abstracts.

Mass Communication and Society
- Online ISSN: 1532-7825
- Editor in chief: Mike Schmierbach Pennsylvania State University, USA
- Abstracted/ Indexed in Current Contents, Web of Science, EBSCOhost, Scopus, E-psyche, Book Review Index Plus, Expanded Academic ASAP, General OneFile, Social Sciences Index, OCLC Sociological Abstracts (Online), Ovid PsycINFO, ProQuest online research databases.

*No Submission or Publication Charges for Supporting Journals

Other Publication Opportunities

Conference Proceeding is an option available for you to publish your full paper presented at the conference. "Full papers" submitted for the proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Media Science and Digital Communication 2024 will undergo a double-blind reviewing process. Selected papers will be electronically published in open-access format with the ISSN 2950-6530 in the proceedings, accompanied by a DOI number (DOI prefix: 10.17501).

A breakthrough free TIIKM project to make your research publication possible.
Preliminary reviews for your full paper with the world-class publication "Steering Committee" prior to the conference.

One of the major issues faced by novice researchers/authors in the present is the lack of perspectives to improve writing for academic publications. "PUBLISHelp" is introduced by TIIKM to help authors develop their full papers before the conference. Once the request has been made, a steering committee member will be assigned to provide the author with developmental comments for the improvement of the full paper. Our main goal is to assist our conference participants to keep one step ahead to improve their valuable research papers.

Program Highlights and Opportunities Available in MSDC Conference 2024

- FREE Publication and Free Review Support for Full Paper Publication
- Opportunity to Publish in High Ranked Supporting Journals and Open Access for Proceedings with OJS
- Access to 2-Day Conference Program (All Sessions, Workshops, Panel Discussions)
- Digital Media Etic Forum
- Film Screenings and Documentary Discussions
- Live Social Media Engagement session
- Round Table Discussions
- Publication Workshop

** Since you are a subscriber of Conal Conference Alerts, we would like to offer a 10% discount on the registration fees. Please submit your abstract to claim this offer. Use promo code MSDCC#010 when you submit the paper.

** This great knowledge-sharing platform is also open for non-presenters! Join the interactive audience and REGISTER NOW.

We look forward to your responses and kindly request that you disseminate this email to your colleagues.

Contact us:
International Conference Coordinator - Ms. Hasini Silva
The International Institute of Knowledge Management
531/18,Kotte Road | Pita Kotte | Zip Code 10100 | Sri Lanka
Tel: 094 11799 2022
Direct Contact (WhatsApp): +94701551165

Web address:

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Fwd: Invitation to the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Finance at IIT Bhubaneswar

Dear Esteemed Colleague,

We are pleased to extend an invitation to the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Finance (ICSF), organized by the School of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Management at IIT Bhubaneswar, in collaboration with the National Stock Exchange of India. This pioneering event will be held from December 6-8, 2024, at our IIT Bhubaneswar campus.

The ICSF aims to bring together distinguished academics, industry leaders, and policymakers to explore and discuss the integration of sustainable practices within financial systems. The conference will feature keynote addresses, expert panel discussions, workshops, and paper presentations covering a range of pertinent topics including:

  • Green bonds and sustainable finance
  • Climate finance
  • Ethical financial management 
  • Risk management in sustainable finance
  • Impact investing
  • Innovations in sustainable financial instruments
  • AI-Enhanced ESG and fintech for SDGs
  • Governance dynamics and financial evolution 
  • Blockchain innovations and financial accountability  

This conference provides a unique platform to share insights, network with professionals, and contribute to the discourse on sustainable finance, which is increasingly critical in today's global economy. We would be honored to have your institution represented at this event. 

Please find attached the conference brochure for your perusal. Further details, including registration information, can be found on our conference website.

We look forward to your participation and valuable contributions to the conference.

Warm regards,


School of Humanities , Social Sciences and Management

IIT Bhubaneswar

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Surrealism and Arts-Based Research: Bridging the Imagination and Reality Divide

Surrealism and Arts-Based Research: Bridging the Imagination and Reality Divide
30th September to 1st October 2024

We are delighted to announce our forthcoming conference, Surrealism and Arts-Based Research: Bridging the Imagination and Reality Divide, where we will delve into the captivating and enigmatic world of Surrealism across multiple disciplines. This transdisciplinary conference invites scholars, creatives, researchers, and practitioners to explore the enigmatic, the dreamlike, and the fantastical in their respective fields through the lens of Surrealism. We aim to come together to explore, discuss, and unveil the depths of the unconscious mind as it manifests in surrealist creativity and extends into various aspects of human existence.

Surrealism, with its roots in the early 20th century, continues to inspire and challenge artists and scholars across a wide range of disciplines. We welcome papers that explore the fusion of Surrealism and arts-based research in areas including but not limited to:

• Poetry: Analyzing how Surrealism influences poetic expression, language play, and the boundaries of meaning.

• Filmmaking: Exploring the use of Surrealist elements in cinema, animation, and experimental film.

• Visual Art and Sculpture: Investigating Surrealist techniques, symbolism, and the portrayal of the subconscious in painting and sculpture.

• Photography: Examining Surrealism in photographic art, from Man Ray to contemporary photographers.

• Music: Exploring Surrealism in music composition, lyrics, and performance.

• Fashion: Investigating Surrealism's influence on fashion design and surreal fashion photography.

• Psychology: Discussing the intersection of Surrealism and psychology, particularly in the study of dreams, archetypes, and the unconscious mind.

• Science: Examining how Surrealism has influenced scientific thought, particularly in fields like neuroscience and psychology.

• Architecture: Investigating Surrealism's impact on architectural design and theory.

• Digital Media: Exploring Surrealism in digital art, virtual reality, and online communities.

• Transdisciplinary Approaches: Papers that integrate Surrealism into multiple disciplines, fostering new perspectives and dialogues.

Please fill out your proposal form by August 31, 2024.

For further queries, do get in touch with us by emailing at (kindly allow 2-3 days to respond).

Web address:

Alchemy Conference 2024: Exploring Metaphorical Transformations and Arts-Based Research

Alchemy Conference 2024: Exploring Metaphorical Transformations and Arts-Based Research
9th to 10th November 2024
Oxford, United Kingdom

Date: November 9-10, 2024
Location: University of Oxford, UK
Online option available
Cost: 180 GBP
90 GBP (Online)
Abstract Deadline: August 31, 2024

"Many have said of Alchemy, that it is for the making of gold and silver. For me such is not the aim, but to consider only what virtue and power may lie in medicines." - Paracelsus

We are delighted to announce our second annual Alchemy: Exploring Metaphorical Transformations and Arts-Based Research conference. This transdisciplinary event aims to delve into the intriguing world of alchemy, with a particular focus on its metaphorical function within the realms of creativity and scholarship, specifically through arts-based research.

The conference aims to bring together scholars, researchers, creatives, and graduate students, offering a unique opportunity to explore the profound connections between alchemy, various knowledge disciplines, and the creative expressions of arts-based research. The event seeks to illuminate how alchemy's metaphors, symbols, and transformative processes have influenced and continue to influence our understanding of the human psyche and creative expression.

- Keynote Speaker: to be announced soon

Themes and Topics:

We invite abstract submissions for 15-minute presentations that explore various aspects of alchemy, with a special emphasis on its metaphorical function within arts-based research. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Arts-based research as alchemy: exploring parallels between the two, discussing latest developments in ABR methods as alchemy.
- Alchemical themes and creative inspiration: discussing how alchemy can spark different modes and types of creativity.
- Alchemy and poetic inquiry: presenting and performing poetry and poetic writing and research techniques based on alchemical methods, styles, and models.
- Jungian Archetypes in Alchemical Symbolism: Unravelling the connections between Jungian archetypes and the symbolic language of alchemy in the quest for individuation.
- Alchemical Transformation in Psychotherapy: Examining how alchemical principles can inform therapeutic processes and personal growth in Jungian psychology.
- Alchemy and the Unconscious Mind: Analysing the parallels between alchemical transformation and the workings of the unconscious as explored in the depth psychology of Carl Jung.
- Alchemical Symbolism in Art and Literature: Exploring how artists and writers have used alchemical symbolism in their creative expressions to depict psychological and spiritual transformations.
- Alchemy, Dreams, and Active Imagination: Investigating the role of alchemy in the interpretation of dreams and the practice of active imagination in Jungian therapy.
- Alchemy and Embodied Practices: Exploring how arts-based research can engage with alchemical principles through somatic and embodied practices.
- Alchemical Metaphors in Contemporary Society: Discussing the relevance of alchemical metaphors in understanding contemporary challenges and transformations.
- Alchemy and Ecopsychology: Examining the connections between alchemy, nature, and ecological consciousness in the context of arts-based research.
- Alchemy, Ritual, and Transformation: Investigating how alchemical rituals and practices can inspire personal and collective transformation in arts-based research.
- The Language of Alchemy: Interpreting alchemical texts, symbols, and hermetic literature in the context of Jungian psychology and arts-based research.
- Alchemy and alchemists throughout history: spotlighting the works and paths of both famous and lesser-known alchemists throughout the ages.

**Participants interested in attending the conference without presenting a paper are also welcome.

Submission Guidelines: Abstracts should be submitted through by August 31, 2024.

Publication Opportunities:

Selected papers presented at the conference will be invited for publication in a special post-conference proceeding. Further details on submission guidelines and timelines will be provided after the conference.

Contact Information:

For any inquiries or clarifications, please email us on

We hope you may join us as we embark on a transformative journey through the realms of alchemy and arts-based research. We look forward to welcoming you to this enriching and inspiring conference!

Web address:

Friday, August 16, 2024

7th Transdisciplinary International Conference by Amity Law School, Noida, 9th and 10th Sept. 2024

7th edition of the Transdisciplinary International Conference on "Emerging Trends in Governance and Global Plurality: Envisioning Equilibrium" which will be held on 9th and 10th September 2024 by Amity Law School, Noida (Delhi-NCR), India in hybrid mode.

As a leading platform, your website plays a crucial role in disseminating information and we would like to collaborate with you to publish the details of our conference on your website. We intend to seek your assistance in receiving maximum outreach by virtue of your website.

It is requested to publish the details that are mentioned in the attached brochure and poster on your esteemed platform. 

We look forward to hearing from you. 

Ritakshi Brijwasi
Student Co-convenor
Transdisciplinary International Conference 2024
Amity Law School, NOIDA, AUUP

Thursday, August 15, 2024

2025 KEY WEST International Academic Conference on Business, Economics, Finance and Accounting

2025 KEY WEST International Academic Conference on Business, Economics, Finance and Accounting
4th to 5th January 2025
KEY WEST, FLORIDA, United States of America

Theme: Promoting Global Progress and Excellence in Academia

ORGANIZED by International Association of Applied Business Research - IAABR

DATES: January 4th - 5th, 2025
PLACE: Key West, Florida, USA
Pier House Resort and Spa, Key West
1 Duval St, Key West, Florida, 33040


FULL PAPERS - DECEMBER 16, 2024. All full-paper submissions will be reviewed for publication in one of the double-blind, peer-refereed Journals sponsoring the 2023 KEY WEST CONFERENCE or the refereed Conference Proceedings with ISBN number. The authors of these articles will receive their publications in person while still attending the IAABR Conference in Key West (one copy per a registered participant will be provided free of charge).

ABSTRACTS - DECEMBER 23, 2024. The authors of all accepted abstracts will have the chance to PRESENT THEIR RESEARCH IN PROGRESS at the Key West Conference which will also give them the OPPORTUNITY to submit their COMPLETED PAPERS by APRIL 15, 2025, in order to be considered for a journal publication.


Our KEY WEST Conference is for people who want to participate in a major international forum, get published, network with colleagues from many countries that share similar or complementary interests, and to have fun in KEY WEST, the pearl of the American Caribbean!

The Executive Board of IAABR is very pleased to announce that the Keynote Address at the 2024 Key West International Academic Conference will be delivered by Dr. Ursula Schinzel, an award-winning book author and winner of the Academy of Management Best Paper on an International Topic (Carolyn Dexter Award).

Papers related to all areas of Accounting, Banking, Business Ethics, Communication and Media, e-Business, e-Government, e-Learning, Ecology, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environment and Life Sciences, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Gender Studies, Globalization, Human Resources, Information Technology, Innovation and Creativity, Law and Legal Studies, Leadership, Logistics, Management, Marketing, Political Science, Psychology, Security Studies, Social Sciences, Social Work, Sustainable Development, and Women Studies are invited to this international conference, which is expected to be attended by authors from nearly all parts of the world. People without papers can also participate in this conference, and they are invited to serve as session chairs or discussants, as well as informal contributors to the academic quality of this international event.

Journals Sponsoring the 2025 KEY WEST CONFERENCE:
- Journal of Advancements of Applied Business Research (JAABR)
- Journal of Advancements in Economics, Finance and Accounting (JAEFA)
- Journal of Strategic and International Studies (JSIS)
- Journal of Organizational Advancement, Strategic and Institutional Studies (JOASIS)
- Journal of Psychology and Social Studies (JPSS)

To submit your full paper or abstract, please email it as an attachment (acceptable formats are .doc and .docx) to GLOBAL@IAABR.COM (please put "KEY WEST CONFERENCE" in the subject line of your message). All submissions will be double blind peer-refereed by members of the Conference Review Committee.

Authors who CANNOT travel to Key West for visa or other reasons, may PARTICIPATE VIRTUALLY in the IAABR/ Academic OASIS conference, and these authors will have the same publication opportunities as the regular conference presenters.

The regular registration fee is $385, and it includes: 1) the popular IAABR 2 FOR 1 ADVANTAGE - 2 OPPORTUNITIES: an OPPORTUNITY to PUBLISH your accepted paper or abstract in a PEER-REFEREED PUBLICATION with ISSN or ISBN number issued by the Library of the Congress + an OPPORTUNITY to PRESENT the results of your work at an INTERNATIONAL FORUM for 1 LOW FEE; 2) one printed issue of the journal or Proceedings CD containing your paper; 3) an Official Certificate for International Conference participation; 4) the Conference Luncheon, Receptions, Coffee Breaks and Keynote Address; 5) Attending all Conference sessions and symposia; 6) Attending all Social and Networking events; 7) Listing of your presentation in the Official Conference Program; 8) Explore the history, culture, night life and opportunities for outdoor discoveries of KEY WEST, the pearl of the American Caribbean!

For inquiries, please contact the Conference Organizing Committee via or visit our Website:

Web address:

Friday, August 9, 2024

Applied Research International Conference on Business, Education and Technology (ARICBET) 2024 OXFORD, U.K


Applied Research International Conference on Business, Education, Engineering and Technology (ARICBET) 2024 OXFORD, U.K
2nd to 3rd December 2024


TRACKS: Business Management (all areas)
Education (all areas)
Engineering and Technology (all Engineering and Computer Science relevant areas)
We are registered with THE BRITISH LIBRARY U.K.



Web address:
Sponsored by: London Institute of Skills Development U.K

For more details:

Publication Benefits to Attend ARICON Conferences (On-Campus or Online) -
Publish in our partner international journals free-of-cost

Research in Progress are also welcome - SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT
DOCTORATE STUDENTS will have special consideration.



Authors who CANNOT travel to the conference destination for visa or other reasons may PARTICIPATE VIRTUALLY and these authors will have the same publication opportunities as the regular conference presenters.





Day 1 - Monday 2nd December 2024
Scientific sessions 9 – 10.30 am
Tea Refreshments 10.30 – 10:45 am
Town Hall Group Photographs 10:45 – 11:00 am
Science Sessions 11:00 – 12:30
Buffet Lunch 12:30 – 1:30 pm
Excursion OXFORD City and University 2:00 – 4:00 pm

– City Centre / Souvenir shops
– Christ College
– Old Bodelian Library
– Weston Library
– Oxford (Greek History) Museum

Day 2 – Tuesday 3rd December 2024
Gathering / Networking / Drinks 5:00 – 5:30 pm
Dignitaries Speeches 5:30 – 6:00 pm
Awarding Ceremony 6:00 – 6:45:00 pm
Cultural Artist PERFORMANCE 6:45 - 7:15 pm
Dinner 7:15 – 8:00 pm
Note of Thanks 8:15 pm


Should you have any queries,
please contact

Call on +44 (0) 203 870 0134.
Whatsapp +44 (0) 7988700024

Registered in Company House England and Wales United Kingdom
London Strand - Golden Cross House, 8 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross,
London WC2N 4JF, United Kingdom

Thursday, August 8, 2024

INTED2025 (19th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference)

INTED2025 (19th annual Technology, Education and Development Conference)
March, 3rd-5th, 2025
Valencia, Spain

Deadline for abstracts submission is November, 21st, 2024 (included)
Abstracts should be submitted on-line at

You are invited to participate at INTED2025 (19th annual Technology, Education and Development Conference) that will be held on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of March 2025 in Valencia (Spain).

This conference will provide the ideal opportunity to present your projects and experiences to an international audience. Also, it will offer participants an overview of the current situation of education, research and new learning innovations.

If you wish to learn more about how educational innovations are changing the world and how technology is influencing the learning/teaching methodologies, then do not miss the opportunity to come to INTED2025.

After 19 years, INTED has become an annual meeting point for lecturers, researchers, education professionals and technologists.
Every year, INTED brings together over 700 delegates from 80 different countries.

There will be 3 presentation formats: Oral, Poster or Virtual.
You can submit your abstracts proposals until November, 21st 2024 (included)
Abstracts should be submitted on-line at

- Present your paper in one of the largest international conferences on education.
- Interact with international educators and technologists for future cooperation.
- Meet 700 participants from more than 80 countries.
- Learn about education innovations and strategies in 70+ thematic sessions.
- Publish your paper in INTED2025 Proceedings.

- All accepted contributions will be indexed in the IATED Digital Library to form part of our database of innovative projects in Education and Technology.
- A DOI number will be assigned to each accepted paper.

- Abstract Submission Deadline: November 21st, 2024. (included)
- Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: December 20th, 2024.
- Final Paper Submission Deadline: January 9th, 2025. (included)
- Registration deadline for authors: January 9th, 2025. (included)

- Participants wishing to take part in the conference, but who are unable to attend in-person, will be able to submit their abstracts and papers to the INTED2025 proceedings.
- Not only this, but authors participating virtually will also have their presentations uploaded onto the conference website and the Technical Program.
- Virtual participants will have the chance to network with other participants, as well as take advantage of the option to live chat to discuss the themes of the conference and authors' findings.
- Registered virtual authors will have access to the INTED2025 Proceedings, their participation certificate and authors' certificates.

In addition to your professional experience in INTED2025, you will have the occasion to visit Valencia.
Valencia is a city to enjoy, to walk and to discover. It has a large cultural and leisure offer. Its old and modern architecture, excellent weather, golden sandy beaches, large natural parks and tasty gastronomy will make your stay unforgettable.

Also, Valencia is a very accessible city. From Madrid, you can take a high-speed train that will bring you to the centre of the city in less than one and a half hours.

Come and live this unique experience at INTED2025!


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

49th EBES Conference - Athens

49th EBES Conference - Athens will take place on October 16th, 17th, and 18th, 2024 in Athens, Greece. The conference will be hosted by Department of Economics at the University of Piraeus.

On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to invite you to participate in the 49th EBES Conference in Athens, Greece, which will bring together many distinguished researchers from all over the world. Participants will find opportunities for presenting new research, exchanging information, and discussing current issues. Although we focus on Europe and Asia, all papers from major economics, finance, and business fields - theoretical or empirical - are highly encouraged. The conference will be held as a hybrid event which allows the participants to present via the Zoom platform and in-person.

Qualified papers can be published in EBES journals (Eurasian Business Review and Eurasian Economic Review) or EBES proceedings books after a peer review process without any submission or publication fees. EBES journals (EABR and EAER) and proceedings books are published by Springer. While EAER is indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus, EABR is indexed in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Scopus.

Abstract submission for the 49th EBES Conference is now open. I would also like to remind you that the deadline for abstract submission is September 8, 2024. The decision regarding the acceptance/rejection of each abstract/paper will be communicated with the corresponding author within a week of submission.

Sponsored by: Eurasian Business and Economics Society (EBES)

Web address: