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Saturday, April 24, 2021

Internship @ CSD Hyderabad

About CSD 
CSD is an autonomous research institution supported by the Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, the Government of Telangana and Reserve Bank of India. CSD was founded by Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh in Delhi in 1962. The Southern Regional Centre, CSD, 
Hyderabad, was established in Hyderabad in 1967. CSD was set up as a think tank to keep a 
focus on the social aspects of development planning and to initiate policy oriented research 
on the social determinants of development – vital concerns in the early plan periods. 
Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh, legendary social worker and indefatigable institution builder, 
gathered around her the best minds to think through human social needs during the frenzied 
years of nation building. CSD is housed in its own 1.25-acre campus in the institutional area 
in Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. A spacious and well planned building with well maintained, 
sustainable green environs; internet access and connectivity; lecture halls and auditorium; and a modest library. 

CSD's Areas of Specialisation 
Adivasi Studies, Dalit Studies, Gender Studies, Disability Studies, Environment Studies, Studies on Traditional Artisanry, Labour and Employment Studies, Interdisciplinary Law, Climate Extremes, Social Sector Studies and Sustainable Development Goals 

Objectives of the Internship Programme 
Now CSD is inviting application for Internship Programme for a period of two months from 
15 May to 15 July 2021 with the following objectives: 
• Build capacity of students on the fundamentals of social science research. 
• Equip them with the use of the qualitative and quantitative research tools, techniques 
and perspectives. 
• Train them in application of methods, familiarity in the selection of appropriate tools and techniques and writing skill. 

Post graduate or post graduate (continuing) students in the social sciences/ humanities 
interested in working on the thrust research areas of the institute under the supervision of the faculty members of CSD.
Basic Requirements 
• Attendance is mandatory in all the working days 
• The interns will be required to complete the assigned task, present and submit the 
results at the end of the internship period to CSD. 
• The Certificate of Completion will be issued to the students on successful completion 
of the internship programme.
How to Apply 
Interested candidates may apply by enclosing a brief CV detailing their qualifications along 
with the letter of recommendation issued by the Head /Internship Coordinator/Faculty of the institution/ University (scanned copy) where they are enrolled. Applications may be emailed to with "Internship Application" specified in subject line. The last date for application is May 08, 2021. The shortlisted candidates will be called for interview. 

A nominal stipend will be provided to the selected interns and they are entitled to 
reimbursements for any official work as applicable to all CSD staff. Institute will not 
provide boarding and lodging facilities to the interns during the programme. 

Sujit Kumar Mishra 
Regional Director (Incharge) 
Council for Social Development 

Saturday, April 17, 2021


Kindly circulate the following project vacancies to the suitable candidates.

1. Project Post-Doctoral Fellow 

2. Project Scientist (Energy Policy) 

3. Project Scientist (Climate Policy) 

Interested applicants should submit their application electronically to the link below:

Friday, April 16, 2021

Jobs@ Dr BR Ambedkar University

Fwd: Proposal to announce ICERI2021 Conference on your website


Dear colleagues,

We are glad to inform you that ICERI2021 (14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation) is already available at:

The conference will be held on the 8th, 9th and 10th of November 2021 in Seville (Spain)

The deadline for abstract submissions is July 15th, 2021.
Abstracts should be submitted on-line at

After 14 years, ICERI has become an annual meeting point for lecturers, researchers, professors, educational scientists and technologists. Every year, ICERI brings together over 800 delegates from 80 different countries.

It will provide the ideal opportunity to present your projects and experiences to an international audience. Also, it will offer participants an overview of the current situation of education and new learning technologies.
ICERI2021 Proceedings will be reviewed for their inclusion in the Web of Science (Conference Proceedings Citation Index). Previous editions are already indexed. Also, a DOI number will be assigned to each accepted paper.

We are sure that this conference will be very interesting for professionals in the area of Education, Research and Innovation.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Yours sincerely,

ICERI2021 Organising Committee


Webinar on Socioeconomic Implications of Covid 19 for India @EGROW

Webinar on Socioeconomic Implications of Covid 19 for India @EGROW
16th April 2021, 5.30PM – 6.30PM
For Certificate of Participation Please Register Free at

Please forward to your interested peers,  scholars,students and colleagues

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Myanmar Geopolitical Implications-for India (Webinar)@ EGROW

To receive e-certificate of participation please register free at

Myanmar and India share an umbilical relationship going back to the British era when they were ruled as one nation till 1937. The cordial relations continued even after both countries became independent almost at the same time and embraced democracy. On the other hand China-Myanmar relations  have seen a lot of undulations in the last 70 years of Myanmar's existence. However in the last three decades there has been a total flip in the relations leading to Myanmar's Military regime becoming almost a colony of China. The restoration of democracy in 2015 elections saw the return of a civilian government, heralding a new era of development and changes. The recent times has  seen the lifting of economic sanctions by the western world and thus lowering of dependency on China.

Undoubtedly the two Asian giants, India and China have strong strategic interests in Myanmar. While maintaining their newly formed identity, Myanmar is deftly engaged in the balancing relations with them. The discussion will focus on the current situation in Myanmar and its geopolitical implications for India 

About the Speaker
Col (Dr) Mohinder Pal Singh is a graduate in science form prestigious St Xaviers College, Mumbai. He is an MBA from IIFT , New Delhi and a gold medalist in MSc from Allahabad University. He has completed his Doctorate in international relations from the Department of Defense and Strategic Studies , University of Allahabad. He has published a number of articles in all leading journals and websites on strategic issues.

He has served in the Indian army, in the elite Infantry Regiment for thirty years tenating various appointments in all kinds of terrain and operations . He was also awarded ' Chief of Army Staff Commendation' for his work. He has been an instructor in Infantry School and an Assessor in the Officer Selection Process for over six years. He successfully commanded administrative battalion.

Apart from his extensive experience in army and his academic pursuits he is also a prolific writer who has to his credit many articles in books on strategic and national security subjects and has individually authored five books. His two recent books 'Teams of Tomorrow' and 'Myanmar and its Strategic Dilemmas' have been well received in the environment. He is currently Director of EGROW Foundation

About EGROW Foundation
The Foundation for Economic Growth and Welfare (EGROW Foundation) is a Section 8 company registered in October 2018. EGROW Foundation is an independent, non-profit, multi-disciplinary public policy organization that informs and influences policies through independent, high quality research analysis and outreach, in the areas of macroeconomics, socio economic development, education and training, national security and foreign relations. EGROW would like to address research issues on unaddressed, new and emerging issues.