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Friday, June 28, 2019

Announcement: Call for Submissions for 12th volume of IJIEL

Dear Sir/Ma'am,


This is on behalf of the Indian Journal of International Economic Law, one of the flagship journals of the National Law School of India University, Bangalore. 


The Indian Journal of International Economic Law (IJIEL) is now accepting submissions for its twelfth volume (Volume 12). IJIEL is a student edited, peer reviewed annual journal, published by the National Law School of India University.

The previous volume of the journal featured contributions by Prof. Raj Bhala (Rice Distinguished Professor, Associate Dean for International and Comparative Law, Kansas School of Law) and Rodrigo Polanco (Researcher, Lecturer and SNIS/SECO Project Coordinator at World Trade Institute) among several others. We have also published articles by luminaries in the field such as Faizel Ismail, Enrico Baffi, Michelle Sanson, Jason R. Bonin Dr. Rafael Arcas& Colin Picker; and forewords by Prof. JagdishBhagwati and Prof. Stephen Hobe in the past. We will be accepting submissions on a rolling basis until February 28, 2020


We wanted to know whether an announcement of the "Call for submissions for the 12th volume of the Indian Journal of International Economic Lawcould be publicized on your website/blog. The text for the same has been attached. 


We would be very grateful if this would be possible.


Warm Regards,

Yamuna Menon, 

Chief Editor, IJIEL

Indian Journal of International Economic Law
(A National Law School of India University Journal)


Yamuna Menon
Chief Editor

Jyotsana Singh
Deputy Chief Editor

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Research methods @ VVGNLI

V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, Noida

 Course on Research Methods on Gender, Poverty and the Informal Economy

 (August 26 - September 06, 2019)

 V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, Noida invites applications from young teachers and researchers from universities/colleges/ research institutions and professionals in government organisations who intend to pursue their interests in the area of Gender, Poverty and the Informal Economy Research for participating in the Course on Research Methods on Gender, Poverty and the Informal Economy to be held during August 26 - September 06, 2019. The course aims to provide a structural analysis of the complex relationships between informality, gendered relations of power and poverty. It also provides researchers with an enhanced understanding of qualitative and quantitative methods on gender, poverty and the informal economy. This course will be an opportunity to discuss and debate on the ongoing issues in conceptualizing and measuring poverty, women empowerment and gender. No programme fee will be charged and VVGNLI will provide to and fro 2nd class sleeper Train/Bus fare and free boarding and lodging at the institute's campus. The detailed programme brochure is available on our website: Application along with the bio-data and a brief statement of the participant's research interests in these areas may be sent to Dr Dhanya M. B., Associate Fellow, V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, Sector-24, Noida -201301, (0120-2411533-35, Fax: 0120 - 2411471) Email: Applications must be accompanied by no objection certificates/recommendations of employers/research supervisors. The last date for receiving the applications is July 22, 2019.