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Monday, July 31, 2017

Call for Papers: 5th Annual Spain Business Research Conference

FINAL Call for Papers

5th Annual Spain Business Research Conference

Date: 11-12 September 2017

Venue: Expo Hotel, Barcelona, Spain

Submission Deadline: 11 August 2017 and Registration Deadline: 25 August 2017

Website: Email to:

We seek either abstract and/or full paper from academics, scholars or researchers in the broad fields of Accounting, Banking, Economics, Finance, Investment, Management, Marketing and all other business subjects for the above international conference organised by Global Research Institute for Business Academics, Australia and American Research and Publications International, USA and sponsored by five international peer reviewed journals which are indexed by Ulrich and EBSCO of USA and ERA of Australia. Criteria used to select papers for the conference include originality of the paper which must not be submitted in any journal in the past.


Authors can send either abstract and/or full paper which must contain the title of the paper, authors' names, affiliation, area of research and contact information. Both abstracts and/or full papers should include Objectives, Data and Methods, Results and Conclusions with significance. JEL classification and up to 6 keywords should be used. All abstract and/or full papers will be blind reviewed and the notification of the acceptance will be delivered within 2 weeks after we receive the submission. The authors can submit extended abstract or full papers by 25 August 2017 if they want their papers to be considered for (a) best paper award and (b) publication in the peer reviewed international journals...

Please send either abstract and/or full paper (in MS Word File format ONLY) any time before or by 11 August 2017 to Khaleda Akhter via email address:



The following three international journals which are ranked B by the Australian Business Deans Council ( and indexed by SCOPUS are affiliated with this conference. Outstanding papers will be considered independently by the editor of these Journals.

a. Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting
b. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management
c. IIMB Management Review


Outstanding papers will be considered for publication, without any fees, in the international peer reviewed journals such as Journal of Business and Policy Research. World Journal of Management, Global Economy and Finance Journal, International Review of Business Research Papers, Global Review of Accounting and Finance which are ranked by the Excellent Research Australia and are indexed by Ulrich's Directory of USA. These journals are published by the Zant World Press of Australia (see


Best paper award will be announced from a block of 10 papers in each category within 2-3 weeks after the conference via email. The winners will receive certificate for the award and have publication opportunity in any of the international journals mentioned earlier.

All papers and/or abstract included in the conference program will be published in the conference proceedings online with ISBN via dedicated website which is linked to Google Scholar and visited by thousands of people around the world and you can view proceedings from previous conferences.


Please visit the 'Fee Schedule' link on the website to find out more about the Registration fee which starts from US $450.

WHO TO SEND PAPERS TO: Please send your paper to Mrs. Khaleda Akhter via

FURTHER INFORMATION: For more information please visit the links provided on the conference website


Professor. José-Luis Casado-Sánchez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Professor. Stuart Orr, Deakin University, Australia
Professor. Pieter Nel, Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand
Professor. Carlos Santos, Portuguese Catholic University, Portugal
Professor. Francisco Javier Andrades, University of Cadiz, Spain
Professor. Edward W.Sun, Kedge Business School, France
Professor. Yasuo Hoshino, Aichi University and University of Tsukuba, Japan
Professor William Lim. York University, Canada
Professor Anisul Islam, University of Houston-Downtown, USA
Professor Dr. M. Lombard, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

INTED2018 (12th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference)

INTED2018 (12th annual Technology, Education and Development Conference)
March, 5th-7th, 2018
Valencia, Spain

Deadline for abstracts submission is November, 30th, 2017 (included)
Abstracts should be submitted on-line at

You are invited to participate at INTED2018.
This conference will provide the ideal opportunity to present your projects and experiences to an international audience. Also, it will offer participants an overview of the current situation of education, research and new learning innovations.

If you wish to learn more about how educational innovations are changing the world and how technology is influencing the learning/teaching methodologies, then do not miss the opportunity to come to INTED2018.

After 12 years, INTED has become an annual meeting point for lecturers, researchers, professors, educational scientists and technologists.
Every year, INTED brings together over 700 delegates from 80 different countries.

There will be 3 presentation formats: Oral, Poster or Virtual.
You can submit your abstracts proposals until November, 30th, 2017 (included)
Abstracts should be submitted on-line at

- Present your paper in one of the largest international conferences on education
- Interact with international educators and technologist for future cooperation
- Meet 700 participants from more than 80 countries.
- Learn about education innovations and strategies in 70+ thematic sessions
- Publish your paper in INTED2018 Proceedings.

- INTED2018 Proceedings will be reviewed for their inclusion in the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science). Previous editions are already indexed.
- A DOI number will be assigned to each accepted paper.
- All accepted contributions will be indexed in the IATED Digital Library to form part of our database of innovative projects in Education and Technology.

Abstract Submission Deadline: November 30th, 2017. (included)
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: December 26th, 2017.
Final Paper Submission Deadline: January 18th, 2018. (included)
Registration deadline for authors: January 18th, 2018. (included)

In addition to your professional experience in INTED2018, you will have the occasion to visit Valencia.
Valencia is a city to enjoy, to walk and to discover. It has a large cultural and leisure offer. Its old and modern architecture, excellent weather, golden sandy beaches, large natural parks and tasty gastronomy will make your stay unforgettable.

Also, Valencia is a very accessible city. From Madrid, you can take a high-speed train that will bring you to the centre of the city in less than one and a half hour.

Come and live this unique experience at INTED2018!


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Workshop@Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior


We feel immense pleasure in inviting you to Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior to have hands on experience in Four days 9th National Research Methodology Workshop being organized by Prestige Institute of Management Gwalior during 24th - 27th August 2017.


The workshop is designed for people seeking to develop their knowledge and ability to undertake rigorous and relevant research in management and organizational contexts and to enhance their performance as reflective practitioners. The program will guide and equip the participants to design and implement simple research projects on their own, and also enable them to carry out a clear brief and actionable research work. The subject areas include all functional areas of management. Research papers developed during the workshop will be published in ISBN number book by a renowned publisher.



1.      Identify Research Problem, Select Research Design & Frame Research objectives.

2.      Writing good review of literature.

3.      Selection of statistical tools for inferential analysis.

4.      Hands on practice using SPSS, E-views and AMOS for analysing data on statistical methods such as: Regression Analysis, ANOVA, and  Exploratory Factor Analysis.

5.      Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Structural Equation Modelling, Conjoint, Discriminant Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, Multidimensional Analysis, Logit &Probit, in addition to all the statistical tools applicable to Univariate and Multivariate research studies along with the case studies.

6.      Parallel Sessions on MATLAB for data Analysis.

7.      Writing Good research paper or PhD Thesis including references styles.

8.      A publication to the credit of each participant.

9.      Publication of research papers in ISBN number book by a renowned publisher.



Transfer Registration amount in the A/C no 0328002100028783 in Punjab National Bank, Mall Road, Morar, Gwalior, IFS Code PUNB 0032800 or DD drawn in the favour of "Prestige Institute of Management".


You are requested to circulate this information to the concerned departments and faculty members of your institute. Limited seats are available, interested candidates can confirm their participation in the workshop by writing a mail to

Detailed Brochure and registration form is available at

Dr. Rahul Pratap Singh Kaurav
Assistant Professor
Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior

Seminar@ Department of Commerce, Madras Christian College