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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

2016 International Forum - Public Affairs, Social Science and Economics

Dear Colleague,

The 2016 International Forum – Public Affairs, Social Science and Economics (iPASE 2016) is to be held in Fukuoka, JAPAN, on August 5-7. The aim of this conference is to provide a platform which focuses on certain important topics of Public Affairs, Social Science and Economics. Detailed information about the conference can be found on the official website. We sincerely invite your participation for this event. Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISSN reference, on CD-ROM support.

We are glad to inform you that the Chikugo River Fireworks Display is scheduled to take place on August 5th. All registered participants will have VIP seats to watch the Chikugo River Fireworks Display. The event is over 350 years and is one of the largest in western Japan with roughly 18 thousand fireworks being let off. We are sure that all participants will enjoy the fireworks show.

Conference Website:
Online Submission:
Submission Deadline: March 31, 2016

Sincerely yours,

Muh-Fen, Chao, Tamkang University, Taiwan

Saturday, March 26, 2016

2016 International Symposium on Culture, Arts, and Literature (ISCAL 2016)

Dear Colleague,

The 2016 International Symposium on Culture, Arts, and Literature (ISCAL) is to be held in Sapporo, Japan, on June 24-26. The aim of this conference is to provide a platform which focuses on certain important topics of culture, arts, and literature. Detailed information about the conference can be found on the official website. We sincerely invite your participation for this event. Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISSN reference, on CD-ROM support.

Conference Website:
Online Submission:
Submission Deadline: April 15, 2016

Sincerely yours,

Frances Lin
National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan

Conference Chair, ISCAL 2016

Fwd: International Conference on Applied Economics (ICOAE) 2016

International Conference on Applied Economics (ICOAE) 2016
7th to 9th July 2016
Nicosia, Cyprus

The aim of the conference is to bring together economists from different fields of Applied Economic Research in order to share methods and ideas. Topics include all areas of applied economics; e.g. Applied Macroeconomics, Applied International Economics, Applied Microeconomics including Industrial Organisation, Applied work on International Trade Theory including European Economic Integration, Applied Financial Economics, Applied Agricultural Economics, Applied Labour and Demographic Economics, Applied Health Economics, Applied Education Economics etc.

About 150 articles are submitted each year from about 40 countries with an acceptance rate of about 65%. All papers accepted for presentation at the conference (after peer review) will be published in the conference proceedings.

ICOAE2016 Proceedings will be published on-line by Springer in 'Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics' under the title 'Advances in Applied Economic Research – Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Applied Economics (ICOAE2016)'.

Deadlines: Full paper submission: 2nd May, 2016; Notification of successful authors (after peer review): 16th May, 2016; Early-bird and student registration: 30th May, 2016; Proposals for sessions and minisymposia: 2nd May, 2016; Submission of powerpoint file for virtual presentations: 27th June, 2016. (

Web address:
Sponsored by: Department of International Trade, Technological Institute of Western Macedonia, Greece - University of Nicosia, Cyprus

ACSS2016 - The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2016

The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) invites you to participate in the Seventh Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2016 and enjoy the beautiful seaside city of Kobe, Japan. The Abstract Submission Deadline is April 15, 2016.

Held alongside the Sixth Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment and the Asian Conference on Aging and Gerontology, at the Art Center of Kobe from June 9-12, join us as we discuss this year's conference theme, "Justice and Sustainability" along with conference co-chairs Stuart D.B. Picken, James McNally, Hiroshi Ishida, Keynote Speakers, Gregory Clark, Jun Arima, and more!

To submit an abstract for presentation or participate as an audience member, please visit the website or contact us for more information.

Submit an abstract:
Visit the conference website:

Join IAFOR at ACSS2016 to:

-Deliver your own research findings to a global audience
-Have your work published in the conference proceedings and considered for peer-reviewed, open access IAFOR Journals
-Benefit from IAFOR's interdisciplinary focus by hearing the latest research in the Social Sciences, Sustainability, Energy, the Environment, Aging & Gerontology and more!
-Participate in a truly international, interdisciplinary and intercultural event
-Participate in interactive audience sessions
-Access international networking opportunities

-Discounts on registration fees are available for those able to pay registration fees early. Please see the registration page for details:

-If you have attended an IAFOR conference within the past year, or belong to an affiliated university or institution, we offer a 10 percent discount in appreciation of your support.


Conference Theme

The conference theme for ACSS2016 is "Justice and Sustainability", and the organizers encourage submissions that approach this theme from a variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions within and across a variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives.

Submissions are organized in to the following thematic streams:

-Anthropology, Archaeology, Cultural Studies and Humanities
-Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences
-Computational Social Science
-Cultural and Media Studies
-Economics and Management
-Education and Social Welfare
-Demography, Human Geography & Population Studies
-Ethnicity, Difference, Identity
-Globalization and Internationalization
-Immigration, Refugees, Race, Nation
-Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Gender
-International Relations & Human Rights
-Journalism and Communications
-Natural, Environmental and Health Sciences
-Politics, Philosophy, Ethics, Consciousness
-Politics, Public Policy, Law & Criminology
-Psychology & Social Psychology
-Research Methodologies, Quantitative and Qualitative
-Social History
-Social Work
-Teaching and Learning
-Technology and Applied Sciences
-Urban Studies

Visit the conference website for further details:

3rd International Conference on Business & Management in Marrakech – Morocco

3rd International Conference on Business & Management in Marrakech – Morocco
24th to 26th November 2016
Marrakech, Morocco

Moroccan Association of Governance and Decision Making is organizing the International Conference on Business & Management in Marrakech-Morocco scheduled during November 2016.

The Conference is looking for exploring and illuminating all aspects of business & management including all fields of research: Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship, Logistics, Business Law and Business Education, and Statistics

We seek to have the interest of scholars, practitioners and researchers from all over the world to nurture and to develop the debates around business and management. We invite you to share your research and knowledge through your participation in this event.

Proposals may be submitted in English and French. All submitted short-abstracts will undergo a blind review. All accepted abstracts and/or full papers who register for the conference will be published in the conference proceedings and selected papers will be forwarded to our journal partners for publication.

The event will be held in Marrakech city, also known as pearl of the South, which is a hot blood city surrounded by the Atlas Mountains and known for its generous culture and history.
The Red city gathers all kinds of events, political, culinary, cultural, sports and also fashion events, inviting some of the greatest names and rising up to be one of the top 10 destinations in the world (

Event website :
Online submission :
Enquiries :
Submission deadline : 30 June, 2016.

Sincerely yours
Dr. Hanane ELLIOUA
Hassan 1st University, Settat, Morocco
Conference Chair

The Asian Conference on Education 2016 (ACE2016)

The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) invites you to participate in The Eighth Annual Asian Conference on Education 2016 (ACE2016) and enjoy the beautiful and traditional city of Kobe, Japan.

Held alongside The Fourth Annual Asian Conference on Society, Education & Technology 2016 (ACSET2016) at the Art Center Kobe, Japan, from Thursday, October 20 - Sunday, October 23, 2016. Join us as we discuss this year's conference theme, Education and Social Justice: Educating for Equality Within and Across Borders" along with ACE2016 committee members, Professors Sue Jackson, Michiko Nakano, Barbara Lockee, Keith Miller, Robert Logie, invited speakers, and more!

This IAFOR conference welcomes submissions from all over the world and we encourage you to join us in Kobe, Japan to share your research and knowledge in an international, intercultural and interdisciplinary setting. To submit an abstract for presentation or participate as an audience member, please visit the website or contact us for more information.

Submission Deadline: June 20, 2016
Submit an abstract:
Visit the conference website:

***Join IAFOR at ACE2016 to:

-Deliver your research findings to a global audience
-Have your work published in the conference proceedings and considered for peer-reviewed, open access IAFOR Journals
-Benefit from IAFOR's interdisciplinary focus by hearing the latest research on Education, Society, Technology and more.
-Participate in a truly international, interdisciplinary and intercultural event
-Participate in interactive audience sessions
-Access international networking opportunities

*Discounts on registration fees are available for those able to pay registration fees early. Please see the registration page for details:

*If you have attended an IAFOR conference within the past year, or belong to an affiliated university or institution, we offer discounts in appreciation of your support. Please contact us for details

*See the full schedule of our conferences in Japan, Dubai, Hawaii, Barcelona and the UK on our website.

***2016 Conference Theme: "Education and Social Justice: Educating for Equality Within and Across Borders"

IAFOR promotes and facilitates new multifaceted approaches to one of the core issues of our time, namely globalisation and its many forms of growth and expansion. Awareness of how it cuts across the world of education, and its subsequent impact on societies, institutions and individuals, is a driving force in educational policies and practices across the globe. IAFOR's Conferences on Education have these issues at their core. The conferences present those taking part with three unique dimensions of experience, encouraging interdisciplinary discussion, facilitating heightened intercultural awareness and promoting international exchange. In short, IAFOR's Conferences on Education are about change, transformation and social justice. As IAFOR's previous education conferences have shown, education has the power to transform and change whilst it is also continuously transformed and changed. The theme of education for social justice continues into 2016 in the Asian, European, Middle Eastern and North American Conferences on Education.

Globalised education systems are becoming increasingly socially, ethnically and culturally diverse. However, education is often defined through discourses embedded in Western paradigms as globalised education systems become increasingly determined by dominant knowledge economies. Policies, practices and ideologies of education help define and determine ways in which social justice is perceived and acted out. What counts as 'education' and as 'knowledge' can appear incontestable but is in fact both contestable and partial. Discourses of learning and teaching regulate and normalise gendered and classed, racialised and ethnicised understandings of what learning is and who counts as a learner.

In many educational settings and contexts throughout the world, there remains an assumption that teachers are the possessors of knowledge which is to be imparted to students, and that this happens in neutral, impartial and objective ways. However, learning is about making meaning, and learners can experience the same teaching in very different ways. Students (as well as teachers) are part of complex social, cultural, political, ideological and personal circumstances, and current experiences of learning will depend in part on previous ones, as well as on age, gender, social class, culture, ethnicity, varying abilities and more.

IAFOR has five annual education conferences, exploring common themes in different ways to develop a shared research agenda which develops interdisciplinary discussion, heightens intercultural awareness and promotes international exchange.

We expect the 2016 conference themes to inspire a number of research avenues, and look forward to discussing your ideas, findings and synergies.


-Educating through borders of power
-Transcending boundaries of 'self' and 'other'
-Challenging and transcending learning spaces
-Education and the boundaries of communication
-Borderlands of being and becoming

We hope and expect the 2016 conference themes to inspire a number of research avenues, and look forward to discussing ideas, findings and synergies, in this International Academic Forum.

Streams for submission can be found on the Call for Papers page of the conference website.

***ACE2016 Conference Chairs and Featured Speakers
To learn more about our chairs, invited speakers and their presentations, please visit the website:

Professor Peter McCagg
Keynote Speaker
Vice President for Academic Affairs, Akita International University

Professor Insung Jung
Keynote Speaker
Professor of Education, International Christian University, Japan

Dr. Jose McClanahan
Future Researchers Symposium Chair & Featured Speaker
Associate Professor of Spanish
Creighton University, USA

Professor Ted Oneill IAFOR Image
Featured Speaker
Professor, Gakushuin University, Japan

Professor Sue Jackson
IAFOR Interdisciplinary Programme Director for Education
Professor of Lifelong Learning and Gender
Pro-Vice Master of Teaching and Learning
Birkbeck, University of London, UK

Professor Michiko Nakano
Conference Co-Chair
Professor of English
Director of the Distance Learning Center
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

Professor Keith W. Miller
Conference Co-Chair
Orthwein Endowed Professor for Lifelong Learning in the Sciences
The University of Missouri, USA

Professor Barbara Lockee
IAFOR International Director of Programme for Technology, Education, Information and Society
Professor of Instructional Design and Technology
Virginia Tech, USA

Professor Robert Logie
Local Conference Chair
Professor of Computer Science
Osaka Gakuin University, Osaka, Japan

Professor Stuart Picken
Featured Panelist
Chairman of the IAFOR IAB

***About IAFOR and its events

IAFOR welcomes thousands of academics to our conferences each year, which range in size from around 100 to in excess of 500 attendees. They do so because of the supportive and nurturing research environment, because of the unique networking opportunities, and because of the strength of the organization's platform.

Our conferences are meticulously planned and programmed under the direction of prominent academics to ensure that they offer programs of the highest level, and are also quite unique in the way in which they are supported by some of the world's leading academic institutions, including the University of London (UK), Virginia Tech (USA), Monash University (Australia), Barcelona University (Spain), Waseda University (Japan), the National Institute of Education (Singapore), and The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKSAR).

IAFOR's credibility has enabled it to become a genuine pioneer, and has grown to be the most respected and trusted organization encouraging international, intercultural and interdisciplinary study. The organization is a formative influence in providing new research avenues and visionary development solutions necessary in our rapidly emerging globalized world.

We welcome you to engage in this expanding global academic community of individuals and network of institutions, and look forward to seeing you at one of our future events, as we break new ground, together.

To learn more about IAFOR -

***ACE2016 is run in parallel with ACSET2016 and AURS2016. Registration for one allows delegates to attend presentation in the others.

To learn more about the paired events and IAFOR's other education conferences around the world, please see our Education Conferences page and join us in Japan, Dubai, the UK and the USA:

Third Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research (APCAR-July, 2016)

Third Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research (APCAR-July, 2016)
29th and 30th of July 2016 in Melbourne, Australia.
Venue: Hotel Grand Chancellor, Melbourne, Australia.

Theme: "Focus on the Future".

ISBN: 978-0-9943656-20

APIAR Scholarships

APIAR is delighted to announce a competition for excellent academic papers.Entries will be judged on the quality of the paper, including the presentation. Only full paper presenters in the conference are qualified to apply. The winner will receive the cost of the air fare and accommodation for the next conference. At the same time, the conference registration fee will be waived.APIAR is also delighted to announce that registration fee will be waived for the four best paper winners to participate in the next conference.The prize is non-negotiable and no monetary alternative will be available.

Third Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research (APCAR-July 2016) will be held on 29th and 30th of July 2016 in Melbourne, Australia. The main theme of this conference is 'Focus on the Future'. Accordingly, the conference will cover Business, Social Sciences, Education and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) disciplines. Internationally-recognized scholars will participate in the event to present their latest research and best practices.

Third Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research (APCAR-July 2016) will be the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental and applied Business, Social Sciences, Information and Communication Technology, and Education. The conference will bring together leading researchers, academics, consultants, scholars, practitioners and research students from their respective domains of interest around the world.

Business: Accounting, Strategic Finance, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Strategic Management, Strategic Marketing, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Development, Performance Management, Recruitment and Selection, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, International Business, Globalisation, Corporate Social Responsibility, E-business/E-commerce, Integrated Marketing Communication and Relationship Marketing.

Social Sciences: Anthropology, Archaeology, Area Studies, Cultural and Ethnic Studies, Communication Studies, Gender and Sexuality studies, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, International Relations, Development Studies, Population Studies, Journalism and Mass Communication, Corporate Governance, Cross-Cultural Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies, Public Administration, Philosophy, Women's Studies, Religious Studies and Social Welfare Studies.

Education: Theory of Education, Assertive and Assistive Educational Technology, Comparative Education, Counselling, Cultural Literacy, Curriculum Studies, Distance Education, Early Education, Educational Change, Educational Policy, Planning and Practice, Educational Psychology, Education and Public Policy, Educational Research and Statistics, E-learning, Health Education, Tertiary Education, Innovative Education, Information and Library Science, International Exchange Programs, Language Education, Liberal Education, Mathematics Education, Medical Education, Physical Education, Science Education, Secondary Education, Special Education and Technology Education.

Information and Communication Technology: Advanced IT Bio/Medical Engineering, Bioinformatics and applications, Business and Information Systems, Cloud computing, Convergence in Information Technology Security, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Digital convergence, Electronic Commerce, Business and Management, Grid and Cloud Computing, Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents, Hardware and Software Design, Health and Medical Informatics, Hybrid information technology, Intelligent communications and networks, IT-based Convergence Technology and Service, Multimedia convergence, Smart Card and RFID Technologies, Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems, Social and Business Aspects of Convergence IT, Ubiquitous Computing and Embedded Systems, Recent Trends in Computing and Information technology.

Important Dates:

Abstract / Paper submission opens – 1st February 2016
Abstract / Full paper submission deadline - 30 May 2016
Acceptance notification – 01 June 2016
Early bird registration deadline - 07 June 2016
Regular registration deadline - 15 June 2016
Conference dates -29th - 30th July 2016

Special Attractions:

All of the accepted papers (i.e., high standard) will be published without any extra fees in the following journals:

Asia Pacific Journal of Advanced Business and Social Studies (APJABSS, ISBN : 978-0-9943656-75)
Asia Pacific Journal of Contemporary Education and Communication Technology (APJCECT, ISBN : 978-0-9943656-82)
We are looking forward to seeing you in Melbourne in July 2016.

Publish with 'B' ranked Journals:

In a venture to reinforce its support to academics and researchers, Asia-Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR) is pleased to inform you of a new agreement to publish high-quality conference articles in the following two journals:
- International Journal of Web Based Communities (ISSN: 1741-8216)
- International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning (ISSN: 1741-5055)
All conference articles from 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research (APCAR-July 2016) will be checked against the rigorous criteria set by these two journals.

Thank You.

Kind Regards,

John Taylor
APCAR, July,2016 Secretariat

Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR)
Suite 1A Level 2
802 Pacific Highway
Gordon NSW 2072

Web address:
Sponsored by: Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR)

2016 International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences

2016 International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences
3rd to 5th August 2016
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

We are pleased to let you know a good news. The conference has received local government's sponsor to encourage foreign people to visit Malaysia. Therefore, the participants will get a free one-day local tour on 3 August 2016 (the first day of the conference). Certainly, you can choose to attend or not attend. The tour information is posted on the conference website.

With the success of 2014 and 2015, the ICEPS 2016 will be held from 3 to 5 August 2016 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. With the advancement of education, psychology, and social science, these fields become more sophisticated and interacted. Accordingly, ICEPS 2016 covers a wide range of fields in education, psychology, and social sciences. Beyond sharing the latest researches, case studies, and industry survey, all attendees are encouraged to seek opportunities of interdisciplinary collaboration. Proposals for panel sessions and special tracks are also welcome. Relevant topics are displayed on the website for your reference. Selected papers will be recommended for fast track reviews by the sponsored Journals. During the conference, there should be substantial time for discussing the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.

Notably, because the conference gets the local government's support, the early bird payers will be granted a free local tour.

Web address:
Sponsored by: University Kuala Lumpur Business School, Knowledge Association of Taiwan, Shih Chien University, University Kuala Lumpur, and National Taipei University of Technology

18th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development -

18th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development -
8th to 10th December 2016
Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)

Topics are focused, not limited to managerial challenges: Globalization and Challenges of the Modern World Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in Turbulent Environment * Building Resilient Society

Web address:
Sponsored by: VADEA and University North

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

2016 International Conference on Information and Social Science (ISS 2016)

Dear Colleague,

It is my great honor to invite you to submit your abstract or full paper to the 2016 International Conference on Information and Social Science (ISS 2016). ISS 2016 will be held on June 24-26 in Sapporo, Japan. The aim of this conference is to provide a platform which focuses on certain important topics of Information and Social Science. The objective of ISS 2016 is to provide a forum for scholars and practitioners to exchange ideas on the latest trends or research results in the field of information, social science, and the interaction between society and ICT (information-communication technologies).

Selected papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of the Information (ISSN 2078-2489; CODEN: INFOGG) covered by Compendex (EI), Scopus and other databases. Detailed information about the conference can be found on the official website.

We sincerely invite your participation for this event. Submitted manuscripts will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted submissions will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISSN reference, on CD-ROM support. Thank you very much and look forward to your participation.

Conference Website:
Online Submission:
Submission Deadline: April 15, 2016

Sincerely yours,

Shigeki YOKOI, Ph.D.
Nagoya University, Japan
Conference Chair, ISS 2016

IEEE-2016 4th International Symposium on Computational and Business Intelligence (ISCBI 2016)--Ei

2016 4th International Symposium on Computational and Business Intelligence (ISCBI 2016)

September 5-7, 2016

Windisch, Switzerland

Official website:

2016 4th International Symposium on Computational and Business Intelligence (ISCBI 2016) will be held in Windisch, Switzerland during September 5-7, 2016.

ISCBI 2016 is organized by International Neural Network Society (INNS) India Regional Chapter and University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland ,is the flagship event of INNS-India.

All submissions will be peer reviewed, and all the accepted papers will be published in the ISCBI 2016 conference Proceedings, and reviewed by the IEEE Conference Publication Program for IEEE Xplore and Ei Compendex.

(ISCBI2013 and ISCBI2014, ISCBI2015 have been included in the IEEE Xplore! )
Papers of ISCBI2013 and ISCBI2014 are indexed by Ei Compendex!


ISCBI2016 is now accepting manuscript submissions.
Full Paper Submission Deadline April 30, 2016

Please submit your full paper to us:

Keynote Speakers

Prof.Hanne Thomas, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Switzerland
Dr. Xin-She Yang, Middlesex University, UK

Conference Committee

Honorary Chairs

Witold Pedrycz, University of Alberta, Canada
Rolf Dornberger, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Northwestern Switzerland

Intl. Advisory Board

Oleg Burdakov, Linkoping University, Sweden
Jonathan Chan, King Mongkut's University of Technology, Thailand
Babita Gupta, California State University Monterey Bay, USA
Xiao-Zhi Gao, Aalto University, Finland
Kun-Huang Huarng, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Laszlo T. Koczy, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Nikolaos Matsatsinis, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Luiz Moutinho, DCU Business School, Dublin City University, Ireland
Nikhil R. Pal, Indian Statistical Institute, India
Panos M. Pardalos, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
L.M. Patnaik, National Institute of Advanced Studies, IISc Campus, India
Rajkumar Roy, Cranfield University, UK
Patrick Siarry, Universite Val-de-Marne (Paris XII), France
Roman Slowinski, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Kay Chen Tan, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Xin-She Yang, Middlesex University, UK

General Chair

Suash Deb, Chair – International Relations, INNS-India Regional Chapter

Call for Paper

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

1. Business Intelligence

Analysis of business intelligence applications and analytics
Productive practices in business intelligence
Business intelligence and CRM
Business intelligence and market basket analysis
Strategic marketing & planning
Supply chain management
Ethics & social responsibility in marketing

2. Computational Intelligence

Associative memories
Computational neuroscience
Connectionist theory and cognitive science
Mathematical modeling of neural systems
Neurodynamic optimization and adaptive dynamic programming
Principal and independent component analysis
Hybrid intelligent systems
Supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning
Brain computer interface
Neuroinformatics and bioinformatics

Conference Schedule

September 05, 2016: Registration and Collecting conference materials
September 06?2016: Keynote speeches and Oral presentation
September 07?2016: Academic Visit University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerlandd

Contact us
-------------------------------------------------------------- ----
MS. Echo Nie

Tel: +1-302-444-8432 (USA) / +86-18062000004 (China)

2016 International Academic Business Conference in Venice

2016 International Academic Business Conference in Venice, Italy #IABCVenice16

June 5-9, 2016

Venice, Italy

The deadline for initial submissions and early payment discount is April 19, 2016.


Please join The Clute Institute for our 2016 International Academic Business Conference in Venice, Italy. The aim of the conference is to provide an opportunity for researchers to present their ideas, proposals, or completed research. Since 30 to 50 different countries are typically represented, presenting at this conference is a great way to get feedback from researchers with a different perspective. An extensive list of acceptable topics is available on our website. A peer review is available upon request.


This year we've chosen the Hilton Molino Stucky Venice, located in Venice, Italy. In addition to the International Education Conference, we are also hosting an International Academic Business Conference (including many business education presentations) that will be held concurrently; one registration covering both.


Inquiries: 303-904-4750
Sponsored by: The Clute Institute, Littleton, Colorado, USA

7th ICEEPSY International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology

Full Text Publications: ISI Thomson Reuters Indexed (EpSBS)

International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology
11-15 October 2016
Rhodes, GREECE

Conference Web address:

7th ICEEPSY - Rhodes GREECE Full Texts will be published in the European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ISI Thomson Reuters indexed)
Selected Full Texts will be published in the European Journal of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Submit your abstract from here:

Register as an audience from here:

STANDARD REGISTRATION Deadline: 01 April 2016
Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 July 2016

Sponsored by: Future Academy

2016 International Hokkaido Forum - Organizational Behavior, Psychology, and Education (iHOPE)

Dear Colleague,

The 2016 International Hokkaido Forum - Organizational Behavior, Psychology, and Education (iHOPE 2016) is to be held in Sapporo, Japan, on June 24-26. The aim of this conference is to provide a platform which focuses on certain important topics of Organizational Behavior, Psychology, and Education. Detailed information about the conference can be found on the official website. We sincerely invite your participation for this event. Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISSN reference, on CD-ROM support.

Conference Website:
Online Submission:
Submission Deadline: April 15, 2016

Sincerely yours,

Secretariat of iHOPE 2016

2nd Global Conference on ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES 2016 (GEMS 2016)


The 2nd GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES 2016 (GEMS 2016) focuses on the complex interconnection between economics and management science.t. This conference provides a platform for researchers, academicians and students to present, debate and exchange ideas on issues relevant to the conference's focus. GEMS 2016 – undeniably – is also an opportunity for researchers and enthusiasts to build and expand network with their fellow counterparts!

GEMS 2016 was planned with the following objectives in mind:

To provide a platform for researchers, academicians and students to share and exchange ideas on economics and management science.
To advance the scholarship in the studies on the roles of economics and management science in community development and sustainability.

Conference dates: 28th & 29th November 2016
Submit abstract here:
Venue: Langkawi, Malaysia

Selected papers will be published in e-Journal of Economics and Management Sciences.

Abstract Submission Due:
31st. October, 2016.
Submit abstract here:

Acceptance of Abstract:
5th. November, 2016

Full paper Submission Deadline:
15th. November, 2016
Submit your full paper to

Full paper Acceptance Notification:
20th, November, 2016

Early-bird Fee until: 30 September 2016

Conference dates: 28th & 29th November 2016

Venue: Langkawi, Malaysia
Hp / Whatsapp : +6017-3531051 (Mr. Sofuan Salleh),
Web address:

2016 International Congress on Banking, Economics, Finance, and Business (BEFB 2016)

Dear Colleague,

The 2016 International Congress on Banking, Economics, Finance, and Business (BEFB 2016) is to be held in Sapporo, Japan, on June 24-26. The aim of this conference is to provide a platform which focuses on certain important topics of Banking, Economics, Finance, and Business. Detailed information about the conference can be found on the official website. We sincerely invite your participation for this event. Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISSN reference, on CD-ROM support.

Conference Website:
Online Submission:
Submission Deadline: April 15, 2016

Sincerely yours,

Frances Lin
National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan

Conference Chair, BEFB 2016

Fwd: LILA '16 / 3rd International Linguistics and Language Conference

LILA '16 / 3rd LINGUISTICS AND LANGUAGE CONFERENCE will be held at Cezayir Conference Halls in Istanbul on June 24-25, 2016.

LILA '16 Conference is aiming at bringing researchers from various subfields to share their current research, ideas, and experience. We encourage submission of papers in all major linguistics subfields as well as related cross-disciplinary areas listed in themes page.

Daniel Gile, Professor Emeritus, Université Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle
Prof Nur Nacar Logie, Istanbul University

All submitted papers are subject to double blind peer review. Conference proceedings are going to be available on DVD as e-book and DAKAM's digital library with an ISBN number before the conference and will be sent to be reviewed for inclusion in the "Thomson & Reuters Web of Science's Conference Proceedings Citation Index" (CPCI) and Google Scholars.

Selected papers will be published in Dilbilim Journal.
Dilbilim Derne?i also one of the partners of the conference, is a member of Comité International Permanent des Linguistes (CIPL) / Permanent International Committee of Linguists. Its journal, Dilbilim Dergisi is a peer reviewed, prestigious multi-language academic journal (ISSN 0255-674X) having been published since 1976. All issues can be found in Bibliothèque nationale de France and National Library of Turkey.

Deadline for abstract submission: April 8, 2016
Deadline for registration: May 13, 2016
Deadline for full papers submission: May 20, 2016
Please check our website to see the last updates

Phonetics and Phonology
History of Linguistics
Historical Linguistics and Language Change
Language Acquisition
Evolution of Language
Language Development
Cognitive Studies of Language
Anthropological Linguistics/Linguistic Anthropology
Language Documentation and Endangered Languages
Sign Languages
Language and Philosophy/ Philosophy of Language
Text and Discourse Analysis
Computational Linguistics
Mathematical Models
Machine Translation and Multilingual Processing
Translation Studies
Quantitative Linguistics
Corpus Studies
Language Education

You can submit your abstract by entering the online registration system EASYCHAIR at
You will receive a reply to your proposal within three weeks following a double-blind review process.


2016 Social Sciences Conference: An Age and its Ends: Social Science in the Era of the Anthropocene - A Common Ground Conference

Eleventh International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences

Imperial College London, London, UK
2-4 August 2016


The Eleventh International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences will be held at Imperial College London in London, UK, 2-4 August 2016. We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, virtual lightning talks, virtual posters, or colloquia addressing one of the following themes:

Theme 1: Social and Community Studies
Theme 2: Civic and Political Studies
Theme 3: Cultural Studies
Theme 4: Global Studies
Theme 5: Environmental Studies
Theme 6: Organizational Studies
Theme 7: Educational Studies
Theme 8: Communication

2016 SPECIAL FOCUS: An Age and Its Ends: Social Science in the Era of the Anthropocene


We welcome the submission of proposals to the conference at any time of the year before the final Late Proposal Deadline (see below). All proposals will be reviewed within two to four weeks of submission. The dates below serve as a guideline for proposal submission based on our corresponding registration deadlines.

*Regular Proposal Deadline – 2 May 2016*
Late Proposal Deadline – 2 July 2016


The Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Journal Collection consists of nine journals and an annual review. The Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Journal Collection encourages the widest range of submissions and aims to foster the highest standards of intellectual excellence. Articles may be submitted by in-person and virtual participants as well as Community Members.

Journals in the Collection are indexed by:

Academic Search Alumni Edition (EBSCO), Academic Search Complete (EBSCO), Academic Search Elite (EBSCO), Academic Search International (EBSCO), Academic Search Premier (EBSCO), Biography Reference Bank (EBSCO), Business Source Corporate Plus (EBSCO), Business Source Index (EBSCO), Business Source International (EBSCO), Communication Source (EBSCO), Educational Psychology & Administration Directory (Cabell's), Educational Source (EBSCO), Environment Index (EBSCO), Environment Complete (EBSCO), Management Directory (Cabell's), OmniFile Full Text Mega (EBSCO), OmniFile Full Text Select (EBSCO), Political Science Complete (EBSCO), Psychology & Psychiatry Directory (Cabell's), Scopus, SocINDEX (EBSCO), SocINDEX with Full Text (EBSCO), Sociology Source International (EBSCO), STM Source (EBSCO), Sustainability Reference Center (EBSCO), The Australian Research Council (ERA), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory

For more information and to submit a proposal visit:

Please forward this announcement to your colleagues and students who may be interested.

Web address:
Join us on Facebook:
Sponsored by: Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Knowledge Community / Common Ground Publishing


International Conference on Trends in Social Sciences and Humanities (TSSH-2016) June 4-5, 2016 Istanbul (Turkey)

International Conference on Trends in Social Sciences and Humanities (TSSH-2016) June 4-5, 2016 Istanbul (Turkey)
4th to 5th June 2016
Istanbul, Turkey

Deadline of New Full Paper/Poster/Abstract Submissions: March 28, 2016

The papers will be published ISBN hardcopy Proceedings and the same will be provided at the time of the conference. Later, the Proceedings of the conferences will be submitted to ISI Thomson/SCOPUS for review and possible indexing

Topics of interest for submission include any topics on Humanities & Social Sciences and related topics:
--Arts and Humanities
--Art History
--Religious Studies
--Social Sciences

1. Electronic Submission System; (.doc/.docx/.pdf formats):
2. Simply, email the paper/abstract/poster at Email id:

The template can be downloaded using the link: Conference Paper Template DOWNLOAD (.doc):

One Excellent Paper will be selected from each oral session. The Certificate for Excellent Papers will be awarded after each session of the conference

Web address:
Sponsored by: Emirates Research Publishing

Ms. Tinna THOMAS
+971528299493 (Can use LINE, Whatsapp, Viber)

Holiday Inn Istanbul City
Turgut Ozal Cad No 189, Topkapi, 34280, Turkey
Phone:+90 212 530 9900 (Attention Ms. Alkim)
Hotel Email:

Tokyo International Education Conference

Tokyo International Education Conference
9th to 12th August 2016
Tokyo, Japan

The theme for the Tokyo International Education Conference is Global Leadership: Leading Positive Change in the World. Papers focused on teaching, school reform and all aspects of education based leadership for change will be welcomed. Exciting line up of key note presenters, together with various sessions and workshops. Papers and workshop proposals are welcomed on the broad topics of 'education' and 'leadership'.

Web address:
Sponsored by: BBT University and Aoba International School

Testimony Memory, Trauma, Truth, Engagement

Testimony: Memory, Trauma, Truth, Engagement
The 3rd Global Meeting

Call for Presentations

Monday 19th September – Wednesday 21st September 2016
Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom

The 3rd Global Conference on Testimony shines the spotlight on the role of (eco-)testimony and the act of testifying in the negotiation of issues pertaining to land rights and reconciliation processes of place-based human rights concerns. Following on from previous meetings that highlighted the role testimony plays in social justice and peace education, this conference continues to explore these themes in relation to current transnational movements focused on eco-awareness and conscious-raising. The event aims to provide an interdisciplinary framework in which inter-disciplinary perspectives from fields such as environmental justice, geography, history, politics, linguistics, law, education, activism, health, the arts, business and religion shed light on the impact of testimonial production within the cultures of redress and transnational justice processes for both the producers of testimony and their audience.

This call for proposals asks for consideration of testimony as used by activists, educators, researchers, professionals, and artists working in the field. We hope to address how testimony can foster or hinder ally-ships across different geographies, cultures, ways of knowing, while addressing past histories of violations and abuses of human rights:

– Geo-political and eco-testimonies
– Testimony as narrative therapy (i.e. scriptotherapy)
– Post-Truth and Reconciliation in settler societies (Canada, Australia, United States, etc.)
– Inter-generational trauma
– Testimony and indigenous ways of knowing
– Testimony and cultures of change
– Embodiments of testimonial art (poetry, painting, sculptures, body tattooing, etc.)
– Architectures and artefacts of memorializations (gardens, murals, parks, etc.)
– Residential Schools, forced adoptions, disintegration of the family, femicides
– States of exception (non-landed refugees, non-citizenship, migration, etc.)
– Indentured labour and hidden sites of slavery (present and past)
– Healing and recovery: survivor groups; communal/personal resilience
– Cultures of redress: personal, collective
– Political persecution and torture
– Challenges of truth and reconciliation commissions
– Culture of acknowledgement
– Human rights and social justice: social activism and awareness
– Methodologies and pedagogies of testimony
– Social media: twitter, Facebook, Youtube

Further details and information can be found at the conference website:

Details about our review policy can be found here:

Call for Cross-Over Presentations
The Testimony project will be meeting at the same time as a project on The Animal and Human Bond and another project on Fears and Anxieties in the 21st Century. We welcome submissions which cross the divide between two or even three project areas. If you would like to be considered for a cross project session, please mark your submission "Crossover Submission".

What to Send
300 word abstracts, proposals and other forms of contribution should be submitted by Friday 29th April 2016.
All submissions be minimally double reviewed, under anonymous (blind) conditions, by a global panel drawn from members of the Project Team and the Advisory Board. In practice our procedures usually entail that by the time a proposal is accepted, it will have been triple and quadruple reviewed.

You will be notified of the panel's decision by Friday 6th May 2016.
If your submission is accepted for the conference, a full draft of your contribution should be submitted by Friday 5th August 2016.

Abstracts may be in Word, RTF or Notepad formats with the following information and in this order:

a) author(s), b) affiliation as you would like it to appear in programme, c) email address, d) title of proposal, e) body of proposal, f) up to 10 keywords.
E-mails should be entitled: Testimony Abstract Submission

Where to Send
Abstracts should be submitted simultaneously to both Organising Chairs:

Organising Chairs:
Cristina Santos:
Rob Fisher:

This event is an inclusive interdisciplinary research and publishing project. It aims to bring together people from different areas and interests to share ideas and explore various discussions which are innovative and exciting.

To date a number of eBooks and paperback books have and/or are in the process of production from the work of the project. All papers accepted for and presented at the conference must be in English and will be eligible for publication in an ISBN eBook. Selected papers may be developed for publication in a themed hard copy volume(s). All publications from the conference will require editors, to be chosen from interested delegates from the conference.

Inter-Disciplinary.Net believes it is a mark of personal courtesy and professional respect to your colleagues that all delegates should attend for the full duration of the meeting. If you are unable to make this commitment, please do not submit an abstract for presentation. Please note: Inter-Disciplinary.Net is a not-for-profit network and we are not in a position to be able to assist with conference travel or subsistence.

2016 6th International Conference on Humanities, Society and Culture (ICHSC 2016)

2016 6th International Conference on Humanities, Society and Culture (ICHSC 2016), will be held Vancouver, Canada, during September 21-23, 2016.
Conference Website:
Conference Venue: Holiday Inn Vancouver-Centre Broadway

The conference committee welcome participants around the world to attend, and share research experiences with each other. On September 23, there will be an one-day tour in Vancouver. Welcome all the participants to join in it.

Paper submission deadline: May 5, 2016.

Submission methods:

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Administrative Sciences
Applied Social Modeling and Simulation
Behavioral and Psychological Sciences
Business Information Management
Business Information Systems
Business, Economics, Management and Marketing
Business, Finance and Tourism Management
Cognitive, Psychological and Behavioral Sciences
Educational Technology
Electoral Competition
Energy Alternatives
Energy, Environment, Sustainable Development
Gender Studies
Geographic Information Systems
Geography and Geological Sciences
Health Issues and Services
For more information about the conference topics, please visit

Paper publication:
All papers for the ICHSC 2016 will be selected and published in:

Option A: International Journal of Culture and History (IJCH, ISSN: 2382-6177, DOI: 10.18178/ijch) as one volume, and will be included in Google Scholar, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Crossref, ProQuest.

Option B: International Journal of Social Science and Humanity (IJSSH, ISSN: 2010-3646, DOI: 10.18178/IJSSH) as one volume, and will be included in Google Scholar, DOAJ, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Crossref, Index Copernicus, and ProQuest.

Conference Secretary: Mr. Zhou
Tel: +852-3500-0005 (Hong Kong)
+1-313-263-4817 (USA)
+86-28-86528478 (China)

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Videogame Cultures

Videogame Cultures
8th Global Meeting

Call for Presentations 2016

Monday 5th September – Wednesday 7th September 2016
Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom

This year's Videogame Cultures will explore various ways in which videogame culture and genres develop within the framework of five thematic tracks. As the videogame development and videogame cultures are highly complex and variant phenomenon, this often leads to the overlap of the issues across themes, so we are inviting participants of all backgrounds (academic, developer, producer, player, fan etc.) to submit their proposals. The potential participants are encouraged to think broadly within and across thematic tracks; the submissions shall address topics and questions such as (though not limited to) those listed further:

1) Gameplay Ethics:
Principles of Ethical Game Design. Ethics of Experience. Role of Agency. Games as Empowerment. Modes of limited/guided/free choice to act. Ethical Fun.

2) Gender and Gameplay: How are changing the players demographics?
Love (Romance) Sex in Videogames. Socializing and gender inequality (sexual harassment) in the virtual gaming environments.
Case Studies (Gamer Gate; Post-Rapelay Design in Japan; Dead or Alive Xtreme3).

3) Affective Turn in Games Studies:
How is the affective turn reflected in computer game studies and videogame design?
What's the role of affect and emotion in the experience of play and how computer game design implements emotion (or fails to do so)?

4) Games for Virtual Reality:
Games with meaning. Social Impact Simulations. 2016 has been expected as a year zero in the implementation of virtual reality technology for gaming. HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Sony Playstation VR and other VR hardware is about to hit the market this season, but game developers and experience designers have been developing new forms of gameplay already for many years. How will virtual reality change the principles of current gameplay? What is the future of immersion and embodiment?

5) Gamification/Ludification:
Studying the models of gameplay have become influential trend beyond videogame studies. Playful elements and functional models are built in many applications even in economics or social sciences. We would like to explore how playful elements have changed the interaction between the user and serious applications.

Other topics related to above mentioned areas include:

Videogames and Gaming:
– Theories and Concepts of Gaming. Empowerement.
– Videogames beyond Entertainment, Convergence Culture
– Space of Videogames.
– Multidisciplinary Approaches to Videogame Analysis.

Designer´s Perspective:
– (R)evolutionary Game Design
– How to overcome a dictate of fun
– Music and Sound Design for Games
– Post-mortems

Videogame Cultures:
– Usage Trends and Emerging Practices in Online and Offline Gaming. – Games as Cultural Artefacts.
– Pervasive Gaming.
– Studying Fan Cultures. Stardom of Fanboy. What means Fun.

Subsequently we encourage submission of proposals for short workshops, practitioner-based activities, best practice showcases, how-to sessions, live demonstrations, performances, and pre-formed panels. We particularly welcome short film screenings; photographic essays; installations; interactive talks and alternative presentation styles that encourage engagement.

Further details can be found at our conference website:

Details about our review policy can be found here:

Call for Cross-Over Presentations
The Videogames project will be meeting at the same time as projects on Fashion, The Patient and another project on (in)Security. We welcome submissions which cross the divide between both project areas. If you would like to be considered for a cross project session, please mark your submission "Crossover Submission".

What to Send:
300 word abstracts, proposals and other forms of contribution should be submitted by Friday 22nd April 2016. All submissions will be minimally double reviewed, under anonymous (blind) conditions, by a global panel drawn from members of the Project Team and the Advisory Board. In practice our procedures usually entail that by the time a proposal is accepted, it will have been triple and quadruple reviewed.

You will be notified of the panel's decision by Friday 6th May 2016.
If your submission is accepted for the conference, a full draft of your contribution should be submitted by Friday 5th August 2016.

Abstracts may be in Word, RTF or Notepad formats with the following information and in this order:

a) author(s), b) affiliation as you would like it to appear in programme, c) email address, d) title of proposal, e) body of proposal, f) up to 10 keywords.

Two versions are required:

1) One version with no author identification, and 2) the other version with the following information and in this order:
E-mails should be entitled: Videogames Abstract Submission

Organising Chairs:
Daniel Riha:
Rob Fisher:

This event is an inclusive interdisciplinary research and publishing project. It aims to bring together people from different areas and interests to share ideas and explore various discussions which are innovative and exciting.

A number of eBooks and paperback books have been published or are in press as a result of the work of the Cyber collectyion of events. All papers accepted for and presented at the conference must be in English and will be eligible for publication in an ISBN eBook. Selected papers may be developed for publication in a themed hard copy volume(s). All publications from the conference will require editors, to be chosen from interested delegates from the conference.

Inter-Disciplinary.Net believes it is a mark of personal courtesy and professional respect to your colleagues that all delegates should attend for the full duration of the meeting. If you are unable to make this commitment, please do not submit an abstract for presentation. Please note: Inter-Disciplinary.Net is a not-for-profit network and we are not in a position to be able to assist with conference travel or subsistence.

4th Business Management Conference

4th Business Management Conference
24th to 26th August 2016
Durban, South Africa


The Local Organising Committee would like to invite you to the 4th Business Management Conference, to be hosted by the College of Law and Management Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal.

Global economic issues such as unemployment, poverty and the global economic downturn call on all of us to create platforms that not only encourage the international community to engage in dialogue on these challenges, but also encourage the sharing and enhancing of knowledge.

This multidisciplinary conference will bring together academics, business practitioners and postgraduate students who will showcase their research work and share expertise with the intention of contributing business solutions to complex global challenges.

As part of the interdisciplinary nature of the conference, its proceedings will amongst others, focus on the following sub themes:
New theories and approaches to entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurial Innovations - case studies of success stories.
Good governance and public management frameworks and solutions.
Financial strategies and improved financial and accounting systems for economic growth.
Economic development policies (Industrial development strategies vs exportation and supply of raw materials as the basis of economic growth).
New regional and international trade opportunities.
Constitutional, policy and legal lessons and comparisons.
Lessons from established and emerging economies.
The politics and political economy of economic growth in regions.
Government to business e-government.
Contribution of e-government - case studies of success stories.
Land reform and management and its contribution to economic growth.


The BMC will also feature the following:
* PRME MEETING: Reporting on PRME related research activities. Invitation to PRME members and other registered participants to attend and to share research or best practices. (Scheduled date and time will be communicated when the conference programme is finalized).

* Conference PRME Track Theme: The role of innovation and creativity in responsible management practices to produce new economic growth strategies and sustainable futures (case studies will be welcomed).

All papers / abstracts accepted for presentation in this conference will undergo a double blind peer-review process.


The BMC2016 Local Organizing Committee calls for papers/posters that address one or more of the above themes.

Web address:
Sponsored by: University of KwaZulu-Natal

ACAS 2016 - The Sixth Asian Conference on Asian Studies

The deadline to submit to The Sixth Asian Conference on Asian Studies 2016, is April 1. Submit your abstract and join us in the beautiful seaside city of Kobe, Japan.

Held alongside the Sixth Asian Conference on Cultural Studies and the IAFOR International Conference on Japan and Japan Studies, at the Art Center of Kobe from June 2-5, join us as we discuss this year's conference theme, "Cultural Struggle and Praxis: Negotiating Power and the Everyday" along with conference co-chairs Baden Offord, Thomas French, Donald E. Hall, Sue Ballyn, Koichi Iwabuchi, invited speakers and more.

To submit an abstract for presentation by April 1, 2016 or participate as an audience member, please visit the website or contact us for more information.

Submit an abstract:
Visit the conference website:

Join IAFOR at ACAS2016 to:

-Deliver your research findings to a global audience
-Have your work published in the conference proceedings and considered for peer-reviewed, open access IAFOR Journals
-Benefit from IAFOR's interdisciplinary focus by hearing the latest research in Asian Studies, Cultural Studies and more!
-Participate in a truly international, interdisciplinary and intercultural event
-Participate in interactive audience sessions
-Access international networking opportunities

-Discounts on registration fees are available for those able to pay registration fees early. Please see the registration page for details:

-If you have attended an IAFOR conference within the past year, or belong to an affiliated university or institution, we offer a 10 percent discount in appreciation of your support.


Conference Theme

The conference theme for ACAS2016 is "Cultural Struggle and Praxis: Negotiating Power and the Everyday", and the organizers encourage submissions that approach this theme from a variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions within and across a variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives.

Abstracts should address one or more of the streams below, identifying a relevant sub-theme:


social praxis
education and/or pedagogy
the city
the nation
human rights
social justice
minor cultures
popular culture
the family
gender, queer and/or sexuality
curation/the archive
creative arts
the ecological
the transnational/global
the economy

Submissions are organized in to the following thematic streams:

Indian and South Asian Studies
South-East Asian Studies (including Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos)
Central Asian Studies
Chinese Studies
Japanese Studies
Korean Studies
Middle Eastern Studies (including Assyria, Iran, Egypt, Turkey)
Islamic Studies
Hebrew and Judaic Studies
Comparative Studies of Asian and East Asian Studies

Visit the conference website for further details:


ACAS2016 Conference Chairs and Featured Speakers

Dr. Thomas French
ACAS2016 Conference Co-Chair
Ritsumeikan University, Japan

Dr. Seiko Yasumoto
ACCS/ACAS2016 Journal Editor
University of Sydney, Australia

Professor Baden Offord
ACCS2016 Conference Chair
Chair of Featured Panel

Professor John Nguyet Erni
ACCS2016 Keynote Speaker
Hong Kong Baptist University
Keynote Presentation: Negotiating 'Refuge': Humanitarianism for the 'Included-outs'

Professor Koichi Iwabuchi
ACCS2016 Conference Co-Chair and Keynote Panel Chair
Monash Asia Institute in Monash University, Australia

Noriko Manabe
ACCS2016 Keynote Panel Presenter
Temple University, Japan

David H. Slater
ACCS2016 Keynote Panel Presenter
Sophia University, Japan

Megumi Yuki
ACCS2016 Keynote Panel Presenter
Gunma University, Japan

Shigeaki Iwai
ACCS2016 Keynote Panel Presenter
Immigration Museum Tokyo, Japan

Gon Matsunaka
ACCS2016 Keynote Panel Presenter
NPO?Good Aging Yells, Japan

Professor Emerita Sue Ballyn
ACCS2016 Conference Co-Chair & Featured Speaker
Professor Emerita and Founder/Co-director
Australian Studies Centre, Barcelona University, Spain

Professor Donald E. Hall
ACCS2016 Conference Chair
Lehigh University, USA



IAFOR welcomes thousands of academics to our conferences each year, which range in size from around 100 to in excess of 500 attendees. They do so because of the supportive and nurturing research environment, because of the unique networking opportunities, and because of the strength of the organization's platform.

Our conferences are meticulously planned and programmed under the direction of prominent academics to ensure that they offer programs of the highest level, and are also quite unique in the way in which they are supported by some of the world's leading academic institutions, including the University of London (UK), Virginia Tech (USA), Monash University (Australia), Barcelona University (Spain), Waseda University (Japan), the National Institute of Education (Singapore), and The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKSAR).

IAFOR's credibility has enabled it to become a genuine pioneer, and has grown to be the most respected and trusted organization encouraging international, intercultural and interdisciplinary study. The organization is a formative influence in providing new research avenues and visionary development solutions necessary in our rapidly emerging globalized world.

We welcome you to engage in this expanding global academic community of individuals and network of institutions, and look forward to seeing you at one of our future events, as we look forward to breaking new ground, together.

ACAS has two sister events around the world. If you are interested in attending one of them, please visit the conference websites for more information.

To learn more about IAFOR -

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Visiting Students Programme @ IGIDR

2016 ATHENS International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference

2016 ATHENS International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference
Theme: Promoting Global Progress and Excellence in Academia


Academic Organization for Advancement of Strategic and International Studies® – Academic OASIS®
Jointly with
International Academy for Advancement of Business Research® - IAABR®

DATES: July 3 - 5, 2016
PLACE: Athens, Greece
16 Bouboulinas Street, ATHENS, GREECE

Deeply discounted rooms are available at the Best Western Museum Hotel in Athens for the participants in the conference. Discounts for all of conference hotel room bookings and for all Pre- and Post-Conference activities can be obtained by contacting Palandjian World, the official Travel Agency of the 2016 Athens Conference, at Note: Conference participants, who book a room at the conference hotel at the discounted rate and one Pre- and Post-Conference activity will receive a Free Admission to the narrated sightseeing tour of Athens on July 5th. The listed discounted hotel rates are guaranteed for bookings made prior to MAY 17TH.


FULL PAPERS - JUNE 21, 2016. All full-paper submissions will be reviewed for publication in one of the double-blind, peer-refereed Journals Sponsoring the 2016 ATHENS CONFERENCE or the refereed Conference Proceedings with ISBN number. The authors of these articles will receive their publications in person while still attending the Academic OASIS/ IAABR Conference in Athens (one copy per a registered participant will be provided free of charge).

ABSTRACTS - JUNE 23, 2016. The authors of all accepted abstracts will have the chance to PRESENT THEIR RESEARCH IN PROGRESS at the Key West Conference which will also give them the OPPORTUNITY to submit their COMPLETED PAPERS by DECEMBER 1ST, 2016, in order to be considered for a journal publication.


Our ATHENS Conference is for people, who want to participate in a major international forum, get published, network with colleagues from many countries and sharing similar or complementary interests, and to explore the rich history and unique culture of Athens, Greece!

Papers related to all areas of Accounting, Banking, Business Ethics, Communication & Media, e-Business, e-Government, e-Learning, Ecology, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environment & Life Sciences, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Gender Studies, Globalization, Human Resources, Information Technology, Innovation and Creativity, Law & Legal Studies, Leadership, Logistics, Management, Marketing, Political Science, Psychology, Security Studies, Social Sciences, Social Work, Sustainable Development, and Women Studies are invited to this international conference, which is expected to be attended by authors from nearly all parts of the World. People without papers can also participate in this conference, and they are invited to serve as session chairs or discussants, as well as informal contributors to the academic quality of this international event.

Journals Sponsoring the 2016 ATHENS CONFERENCE:

- Journal of Academy for Advancement of Business Research (JAABR)
- Journal of Advancements in Economics, Finance & Accounting (JAEFA)
- Journal of Strategic and International Studies (JSIS)
- Journal of Organizational Advancement, Strategic and Institutional Studies (JOASIS)
- Journal of Psychology and Social Studies (JPSS)

The Executive Boards of Academic OASIS and IAABR are very pleased to announce that the Keynote Address at the 2016 Athens International Academic Conference will be delivered by Dr. Ursula Schinzel, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, The United Kingdom.

To submit your full paper or abstract, please email it as an attachment (acceptable formats are .doc and .docx) to EUROPE@IAABR.COM (please put "ATHENS CONFERENCE" in the Subject line of your message). All submissions will be double blind peer-refereed by members of the Conference Review Committee. Authors will be notified of the review outcome within 3-4 weeks after the arrival of their submissions.

Authors, who could NOT travel to Athens for visa or other reasons, may PARTICIPATE VIRTUALLY in the IAABR/ Academic OASIS conference, and these authors will have the same publication opportunities, as the regular conference presenters.

The regular registration fee is €330 (the reduced registration fee for virtual participants via Skype is €295, and the special student fee is €280). The regular registration fee includes: 1) the popular Academic OASIS/ IAABR 2 FOR 1 ADVANTAGE - 2 OPPORTUNITIES: an OPPORTUNITY to PUBLISH your accepted paper or abstract in a PEER-REFEREED PUBLICATION with ISSN or ISBN number issued by the Library of the Congress + an OPPORTUNITY to PRESENT the results of your work at an INTERNATIONAL FORUM for 1 LOW FEE; 2) one printed issue of the journal or Proceedings CD containing your paper; 3) an Official Certificate for International Conference participation; 4) the Conference Luncheon, Receptions, Coffee Breaks and Keynote Address; 5) Attending all Conference sessions and symposia; 6) Attending all Social and Networking events; 7) Listing of your presentation in the Official Conference Program; 8) Explore the rich history and unique culture of Athens, Greece!

For inquiries, please contact the Conference Organizing Committee via or visit our Websites: and

Conference Chair: Prof. Dr. Tom Badgett, Angelo State University, Texas, USA.

ACCS 2016 - The Sixth Asian Conference on Cultural Studies

The final deadline to submit to The Sixth Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2016, is April 1. Submit your abstract and join us in the beautiful seaside city of Kobe, Japan.

Held alongside the Sixth Asian Conference on Asian Studies and the IAFOR International Conference on Japan and Japan Studies, at the Art Center of Kobe from June 2-5, join us as we discuss this year's conference theme, "Cultural Struggle and Praxis: Negotiating Power and the Everyday" along with conference co-chairs Baden Offord, Donald E. Hall, Sue Ballyn, Koichi Iwabuchi, invited speakers and more.

To submit an abstract for presentation or participate as an audience member, please visit the website or contact us for more information.

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 1, 2016
Submit an abstract:
Visit the conference website:

Join IAFOR at ACCS2016 to:

-Deliver your research findings to a global audience
-Have your work published in the conference proceedings and considered for peer-reviewed, open access IAFOR Journals
-Benefit from IAFOR's interdisciplinary focus by hearing the latest research in Asian Studies, Cultural Studies, Japan Studies and more!
-Participate in a truly international, interdisciplinary and intercultural event
-Participate in interactive audience sessions
-Access international networking opportunities

-Discounts on registration fees are available for those able to pay registration fees early. Please see the registration page for details:

-If you have attended an IAFOR conference within the past year, or belong to an affiliated university or institution, we offer a 10 percent discount in appreciation of your support.

Conference Theme

The conference theme for ACCS2016 is "Cultural Struggle and Praxis: Negotiating Power and the Everyday", and the organizers encourage submissions that approach this theme from a variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions within and across a variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives.

Abstracts should address one or more of the streams below, identifying a relevant sub-theme:


-social praxis
-education and/or pedagogy
-the city
-the nation
-human rights
-social justice
-minor cultures
-popular culture
-the family
-gender, queer and/or sexuality
-curation/the archive
-creative arts
-the ecological
-the transnational/global
-the economy

Submissions are organized in to the following thematic streams:

-Black Feminism
-Critical Legal Studies
-Critical Race Theory
-Cultural Geography
-Cultural History
-Cultural Studies
-Cultural Studies Pedagogy
-Gender studies / Feminist Theory
-Justice Studies
-Linguistics, Language and Cultural Studies
-Media Studies
-Political Philosophy
-Political Theory
-Queer Theory
-Social Criticism
-Visual Culture

Visit the conference website for further details:

ACCS2016 Conference Chairs, Keynote and Featured Speakers
For more information on our chairs and invited speakers, please see the website -

Professor John Nguyet Erni
ACCS2016 Keynote Speaker
Hong Kong Baptist University
Keynote Presentation: Negotiating 'Refuge': Humanitarianism for the 'Included-outs'

Professor Baden Offord
ACCS2016 Conference Chair
Chair of Featured Panel

Professor Koichi Iwabuchi
ACCS2016 Conference Co-Chair and Keynote Panel Chair
Monash Asia Institute in Monash University, Australia

Noriko Manabe
ACCS2016 Keynote Panel Presenter
Temple University, Japan

David H. Slater
ACCS2016 Keynote Panel Presenter
Sophia University, Japan

Megumi Yuki
ACCS2016 Keynote Panel Presenter
Gunma University, Japan

Shigeaki Iwai
ACCS2016 Keynote Panel Presenter
Immigration Museum Tokyo, Japan

Gon Matsunaka
ACCS2016 Keynote Panel Presenter
NPO?Good Aging Yells, Japan

Professor Emerita Sue Ballyn
ACCS2016 Conference Co-Chair & Featured Speaker
Professor Emerita and Founder/Co-director
Australian Studies Centre, Barcelona University, Spain

Dr. Seiko Yasumoto
ACCS/ACAS2016 Spotlight Speaker
University of Sydney, Australia

Professor Donald E. Hall
ACCS2016 Conference Chair
Lehigh University, USA

ACCS has two sister events around the world. If you are interested in attending one of them, please visit the conference websites for more information.

ECCS2016 - The European Conference on Cultural Studies -
Global2016 - The IAFOR International Conference on Global Studies -

About IAFOR and its global events

IAFOR welcomes thousands of academics to our conferences each year, which range in size from around 100 to in excess of 500 attendees. They do so because of the supportive and nurturing research environment, because of the unique networking opportunities, and because of the strength of the organization's platform.

Our conferences are meticulously planned and programmed under the direction of prominent academics to ensure that they offer programs of the highest level, and are also quite unique in the way in which they are supported by some of the world's leading academic institutions, including the University of London (UK), Virginia Tech (USA), Monash University (Australia), Barcelona University (Spain), Waseda University (Japan), the National Institute of Education (Singapore), and The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKSAR).

IAFOR's credibility has enabled it to become a genuine pioneer, and has grown to be the most respected and trusted organization encouraging international, intercultural and interdisciplinary study. The organization is a formative influence in providing new research avenues and visionary development solutions necessary in our rapidly emerging globalized world.

We welcome you to engage in this expanding global academic community of individuals and network of institutions, and look forward to seeing you at one of our future events, as we look forward to breaking new ground, together.

To learn more about IAFOR -